Page 11 - KSMO AWARDS 2017_Neat
P. 11

51. Candace Kunkel             RE/MAX On The Move, Augusta
52. TL The Ellis-Lantis Team   RE/MAX Excel, Lawrence
53. Sharon Hubbard             RE/MAX Connections, Ottawa
54. Diane Kent                 RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
55. Judy Klemm                 RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
56. TL Team Johnson            RE/MAX Solutions, Wichita
57. TL The Rowan Team          RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
58. TL Joe Schloegel           RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
59. TL Carrie Cowan & Company  RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
60. TL Jennifer Martin         RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
61. TL McFarland Team          RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
62. TL Douglas Wasson          RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
63. TL Millie Mangas           RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
64. Kevin Swift                RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
65. TL Preston Strutz          RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
66. Ron Harder                 RE/MAX Associates, Newton
67. Chonci Lekawa              RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
68. Miriel Brown               RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
69. Melissa Hay                RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
70. TL Adria Hartwig           RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
71. Suzanne Hinton             RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
72. Kris Fabrizius             RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
73. William Haag               RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
74. Gregory Armbruster         RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
75. Audrey Adrian              RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
76. TL Sheri Sterrett          RE/MAX Elite, Derby
77. TL The Franz Team          RE/MAX Associates, Newton
78. Angie Scherzer             RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
79. Maggie Stonecipher         RE/MAX Excel, Lawrence
80. Chris Lary                 RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
81. Barbara Banman             RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
82. Mary Ann Vanderweide       RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
83. TL Elaine Bennett          RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
84. Aaron Sewell               RE/MAX Select, REALTORS, Emporia
85. Christel Torneden          RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
86. TL Jessica Decker & Team   RE/MAX Advantage, REALTORS®, Salina
87. Jharon Ellis               RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
88. TL Briggs & Briggs         RE/MAX Solutions, Wichita
89. Tina Gaughan               RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
90. Patrick Anderson           RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
91. Paula White                RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
92. Diana Burress              RE/MAX On The Move, Augusta
93. Molly Ladd                 RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission

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