Page 14 - KSMO AWARDS 2017_Neat
P. 14

Jim Hood            RE/MAX Destiny Real Estate, Manhattan
Alicia Horner       RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
Kelley Hughes       RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
Scott Kilpatrick    RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Lisa Kopp           RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Cal Lantis          RE/MAX Excel, Lawrence
Stacy Latimer       RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
Jeanette Lee        RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Gloria Light        RE/MAX Solutions, Wichita
Michelle Lindgren   RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
Jerry Long          RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
John Love           RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
Nicole Mall         RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Nancy Mateos        RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
Patty Maycroft      RE/MAX Signature Properties, Junction City
Max McCann          RE/MAX Realty Centre, Wichita
Matthew Mcgee       RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Deborah McGhee      RE/MAX Best Associates, Lansing
Bill Mikkelsen      RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Aimee Monares       RE/MAX Associates, Newton
Art Noll            RE/MAX Royal, Hutchinson
Eric Oligschlaeger  RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Carla Perkins       RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
Kate Place          RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Janet Preston       RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
Meleesa Pruett      RE/MAX Infinity, Overland Park
Alex Raich          RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Traci Ratzlaff      RE/MAX Royal, Hutchinson
Bruce Re'           RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
Craig Regnier       RE/MAX Advantage, REALTORS®, Salina
Floyd Rogers        RE/MAX Manhattan, REALTORS®, Manhattan
Charles Ross        RE/MAX Advantage, REALTORS®, Salina
Don Rubottom        RE/MAX Solutions, Wichita
Tasha Sailer        RE/MAX Select, REALTORS®, Emporia
Mary Scharfe        RE/MAX Destiny Real Estate, Manhattan
Tonja Sell          RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Neva Smith          RE/MAX Connections, Ottawa
Amber Smith         RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
Thomas Staab        RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Deborah Staley      RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Bren Stout          RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
Beth Strong         RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
Craig Summy         RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park

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