Page 16 - KSMO AWARDS 2017_Neat
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Gary Franz RE/MAX Associates, Newton
Tina Gaughan RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
William Haag RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
Ron Harder RE/MAX Associates, Newton
Melissa Hay RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Jeffrey Hill RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Suzanne Hinton RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Sharon Hubbard RE/MAX Connections, Ottawa
Scott Jenkins RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
Brian Johnson RE/MAX Solutions, Wichita
Brent Kendrick RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Diane Kent RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
Judy Klemm RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Andy Kogan RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Candace Kunkel RE/MAX On The Move, Augusta
Molly Ladd RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
Melissa Larson RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Jerry Larson RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Chris Lary RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
Chonci Lekawa RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
Amanda Levin RE/MAX Solutions, Wichita
Shawn Lewis RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
Angela Lofton RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
Andrew Mall RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Millie Mangas RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
Jennifer Martin RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Jill McEnaney RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Sharon McFarland RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Melanie Jacobs McGraw RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Shannan Mckee RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Pam Merrigan RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Kevin Newkirk RE/MAX Excel, Lawrence
Christopher Noack RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
Connie Rhoden RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Kyrsten Ross RE/MAX Signature Properties, Junction City
Jerry Rowan RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Edgar Salinas RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Robert Sandlin RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Angie Scherzer RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Joe Schloegel RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Tracy Schulze RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Aaron Sewell RE/MAX Select, REALTORS®, Emporia
Nancy Shih RE/MAX Realty Centre, Wichita
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