Page 13 - KSMO AWARDS 2017_Neat
P. 13

Club | Awards

AJ Ahlstedt        Executive Club Award
Leslie Alford
Linda Bernat                RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Alice Bilyeu                RE/MAX Destiny Real Estate, Manhattan
Lance Blackburn             RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
Tara Blaufuss               RE/MAX Partners, Louisburg
Kasey Bourk                 RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
Tate Bush                   RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
Jason Cain                  RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Cathy Conn                  RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Marc Cooper                 RE/MAX Solutions, Wichita
Yvonne Danyluk              RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
Jodi Danziger               RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
Gayle DeHoff                RE/MAX Royal, Hutchinson
Michael Downing             RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Erin Dreiling               RE/MAX Partners, Louisburg
Stephen Drum                RE/MAX Pro, Hays
James Duff                  RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Kerry Dunn                  RE/MAX Associates of Topeka, Topeka
Jane Ferber                 RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Debbie Flaspohler           RE/MAX Solutions, Wichita
Greg Franklin               RE/MAX Premier Realty, Prairie Village
Garett Gabriel              RE/MAX Realty Suburban, Shawnee Mission
Dorothy Gardner             RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
Beverly Giles               RE/MAX Advantage, REALTORS®, Salina
Lyle Goertzen               RE/MAX Partners, Louisburg
Stephanie Gordon            RE/MAX Solutions, Wichita
Karen Hampton               RE/MAX Royal, Hutchinson
Brendon Harper              RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
Adria Hartwig               RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
Debbie Heinrich             RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
Pat Hersma                  RE/MAX Best Associates, Overland Park
Scott Hollinger             RE/MAX Excel, Lawrence
David Holmgren              RE/MAX State Line, Leawood
                            RE/MAX Premier, Wichita
                            RE/MAX Advantage, REALTORS®, Salina

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