Page 45 - William Brown 2017
P. 45
Marketing What form will it be sold? Brand
The Pukka Rucka will be sold in a separate component form off
the online website store direct to customers. It will have each It is important that you get the right brand image. This
separate individual component needed to put it together. These means that the culture within the business is harmonious
pieces include: and when manufacturing The Pukka Rucka, correct
Packaging & Brand Reputation 1) Main block part guidelines are followed for the health and safety of my
2) Back clip part employees. When manufacturing COSHH (Control Of
For the packaging of the product I have decided to use a recyclable cardboard 3) x2 arms Substances Hazardous to Health) and HASAW (Health and
that is big enough to fit all the parts needed to make the product in one. The 4) x3 light, medium and heavy resistance bands (one of each) Safety at Work) should be applied to ensure the employees
‘arm’ panels are approximately 1m long so a large box is required. To save 5) x10 washers and bolts (x2 spares for each at their necessary are working in clean and non-dangerous environments,
making costs, I plan to use one box per unit product instead of one box for the sizes) using fully working safe machinery. This will be ensured by
panels and one box for the other parts. Making just one big box will save time 6) x2 aluminium tubes with threads (both different sizes) checking all machinery and workplaces for any errors or
and money. The boxes must be recyclable to help do our bit for the 7) x2 strap clips potential dangers on a regular basis. It is important to do
environment and prevent the filling up of landfill sites. 8) Lid part this not only because it is a legal requirement but to show
9) x3 lid pivot screws (one spare) interest and care into employees well-being whilst at work,
The box will have The Pukka Rucka branding on the side to let the consumers 10) x6 screws to old straps in place (two spare) to be an ethical company.
know where the parcel is from and for extra advertising purposes. In addition 11) x2 padding for arms
there will be information on the box on how to contact the company for any The company should not just focus purely on its internal
help or issues (email address and phone number). Importantly, the boxes will This will all come with an instruction manual of how to needs but also focus on the external needs of their
have the British Standards kite mark and recycling logo on it to let the assemble the product and what tools are needed to do so. Any customers. The company should have a customer service
consumers know that the box was made safely and complies with the agency individual parts such as screws, nuts, washers and bolts can be application on the website or social media pages in order to
regulations, as well as letting them know the box can be recycled. bought from any hardware stores or bought from The Pukka provide help to any customer that asks for it. The response
This is the cheapest way of packaging the product as it is eco-friendly and Rucka website store. Refunds or replacements will only be must be informative and friendly to avoid any customer
cardboard doesn’t cost much to manufacture. As the boxes have flat sides it available if components have arrived already damaged. frustration which could lead to a loss of business. For
means that they can be efficiently and neatly loaded into a van or a lorry. example, if a customer asks how to replace an item, or
When being transported, it is vital that the product parts do not get damaged. Pricing reports a fault in the product then the company must have a
Therefore, the parts will be packed in the boxes with Styrofoam moulds that The cost of The Pukka Rucka will be retailed at £75 +postage system that responds to the customer. This way you are
fit the parts perfectly and prevent any damage whilst in transit. and packaging of £3.50 as delivery will be direct through the more likely to retain customers as you can provide the
company ourselves. The price medium in scale from low to high service that customers want and therefore, they cannot fault
your system. The customer service should come in the form
as we need to make a profit. There are many components in this of a phone line response or an email response.
so costs for making in large quantities will be fairly high.
However, compared to rival products such as the scrummage
machine, tackle pad and jackal pad this price is low which
makes it competitive.
Scrum Machine- cheapest price £870 Jackal Pad- cheapest price £130
There are no free trials for this product but a full refund is
07007 891243 available if the consumer wishes to send it back unused and
with its original packaging.
There is enough room in the box to fit all the parts in one, whilst leaving enough
space for Styrofoam and bubblewrap to fill the voids and protect the parts during transit.
This product should follow the guidelines and be approved by the
British Standards agency in order to make sure the methods of
production have been conducted in a safe and healthy
environment. This agency ensures that the employees
manufacturing this product are kept from harm and all is done
It is important that both the product and the packaging must be environmentally ethically.
friendly. This is so that the brand reputation is good. Therefore, on both the box and
product will be the recycling logo. The recycling process of The Pukka Rucka will use I can safely say that this proto-type model was made in a safe and
the six R’s. For the Repair, The Pukka Rucka comes with individual components healthy environment and that all machine work was done under
needed to assemble the product. Theses pre-manufactured components can be supervision to ensure maximum safety was in order and that all
bought separately from any local hardware store and the old broken parts such as the machines were carefully maintained. Therefore, this product has
nuts and bolts can be recycled. It is important to be environmentally friendly and to followed the British Standards’ guidelines and would be awarded
market that you are because customers are more likely to buy a product if they know a BS mark if properly manufactured.
they can dispose of it in a safe and environmentally friendly way.
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