Page 42 - William Brown 2017
P. 42


      Unique Selling Point (USP)                                               SWOT Analysis
      When marketing a product you must be able to sell the                    This marketing strategy stands for (S)trengths,
      idea/concept to the intended consumer group and to do that your          (W)eaknesses, (O)pportunities and (T)hreats. I will use SWOT  Product
      product must be unique, has a selling point that separates it from       analysis to assess how successful The Pukka Rucka is and          The Pukka Rucka interacts well with the consumer. It offers an  aesthetically
      any other products that intend to do the same function. Therefore,       also see if there are any weaknesses which can be                 pleasing design with a nice curved shape and rounded parts to the design and in
      the USP of The Pukka Rucka is that there are no direct products on       addressed and developed on for the future of this product.        the colour ways catalogue, the colours stand out and match well to attract the
      the market that purposely aim to improve your rucking technique in       We use this in marketing to get an overview of the product        consumers eye. The  ergonomics     of The Pukka Rucka are comfortable, the pads
      rugby by lowering your body position and driving through whilst          you wish to sell and make any improvements if needed and          are thick enough for maximum comfort and offer protection to the user, meaning
      focussing on the main priority in rugby, the ball. The Pukka Rucka       to emphasise the strengths of the product whilst identifying      using The Pukka Rucka is pleasant experience. The  function      of improving body
      helps to engage your core muscles by making you get into low,            your opportunities and threats.                                   shape in the ruck and increasing core muscle strength is effective as the
      wide body position and driving back pads which provide resistance.                                                                         consumer feels the tension in the core muscles when pushing the pads back, this
                                                                               (S)trengths                                                       tension comes from the resistance  bands that provides a high counteracting
      The ruck in rugby is becoming more competitive and crucial to            The strengths are The Pukka Rucka’s USPs, as these are the        force. The Pukka Rucka can be used both indoors and outdoors as long as there
      maintaining or turning over possession. This is why I have invented      stated unique points that the product has to gain a               is a pole at the right size for the product to fit. It is mainly designed for rugby
      the Pukka Rucka, to help all levels of rugby players to improve this     competitive advantage over your rivals. (USPs are listed          players at all levels, however, it can be used by anyone who wants to increase
      edge of their game and gain a competitive advantage over their           previously)                                                       their core muscle strength. It is light enough to carry and small enough to be
      opposition as you too want to gain a competitive advantage over          On top of the USPs the other strength that I have is working      stored in most places, it can be disassembled to make it smaller and fit into
      your business rivals.                                                    in a Niche market and focussing on a specific part of that        tighter spaces.

                                                                               market which hasn’t been properly discovered. Therefore, I
      The Pukka Rucka’s main USPs:                                             am the first person to create a piece of equipment that           Price
       It is versatile. Its main target is rugby playing setups, for          focuses primarily on improving body technique in the ruck in
         example clubs, schools and NGBs like the RFU. I also look to          rugby.                                                            The price must be competitive, not too expensive that it puts potential consumers
         appeal to the individual players as well to widen my market and                                                                         off buying the product or that it costs much more than its next best existing
         sales. However, this product helps to improve core strength as        (W)eaknesses                                                      product. Nor should it be under-priced, meaning that you do not make a profit
         well as just the rucking technique. Therefore, it can be used by                                                                        from it, as you must take into consideration the material and manufacturing
         any person who likes to keep fit and wants to improve on their        On the other hand of trying to sell in a Niche market, the        costs.
                                                                               problem is that although rugby as a game is huge, the
         core strength. The design is simple and it only requires a post or                                                                      The Pukka Rucka’s price of £75 means that it offers a lot for the reasonable
         pole to set it up. This gives the product it’s USP as it can be used   training equipment for the ruck is not focussed on.              price, considering rival products on the market are higher than £100 and do not
                                                                               Therefore, it will take more tie and money invested in
         by anyone not just rugby players.                                                                                                       offer the same service that specialises on improving technique and strength in
                                                                               marketing to get the product out there and make it a              the ruck position. Therefore, the price is modest and affordable.
                                                                               familiar brand that both rugby players and looking further
       Its performance is unique as it specifically relates to rucking in     ahead, fitness orientated people use.                             Promotion                                              Place
         rugby. There are many pieces of training equipment in rugby
         such as the contact pad, the jackal pad and the scrummage                                                                               There are many ways to promote and advertise           Place in marketing refers to
         machine. However, none of those products offer everything The         (O)pportunities                                                   The Pukka Rucka. As listed previously, methods         where you can find
         Pukka Rucka offers in one. For example, a scrummage machine           This relates to the factors I could use to make my product        include social media, newspaper/magazine               information about the
         will allow one to get into a low body shape and get them to use       and brand become more recognised in the rugby market. For         adverts, radio and tv, and sponsorships. All are       product and where you can
         the leg muscles and core to push the machine, but it can only         example, getting in contact with high level rugby players         good ways of promoting The Pukka Rucka, but I          buy it from. This means that
         really be used by 3+ people effectively and is too big to pack up     and asking them to try out The Pukka Rucka and give it a          must consider which will be most cost efficient        whilst creating media pages
         and go. This is where The Pukka Rucka edges competitors               review, then get a magazine report from a either ‘Rugby life’     and more importantly which methods connect to          or articles about your
         products as it can be disassembled, stored and transported            or ‘Mens Health’ on the review. By getting publicity this         my target market the best. I must look to appeal       product, you must provide
         easily.                                                               opens doors into the market. Making the most out of               to new customers and also create a way of              contact details such as a
                                                                               existing resources in the a wider markets to narrow the           attracting brand loyal customers away from rival       website name, phone
                                                                               scope into the rugby market.                                      companies. The best way to do that is to create        number and email address
                                                                                                                                                 an informative and well presented social media         so that customers can
                                                                               (T)hreats                                                         page and website. These are the cheapest forms         enquire about the product.
                                                                               These are the things that slow down your marketing                of promotion as it does not cost to create             The Pukka Rucka can be
                                                                               campaign. For example, your test group writing unreliable         accounts or set up your own website.  owever, I H      bought direct off the
                                                                               feedback or feedback that doesn’t help you to develop your        must also present and analyse the other                instagram/ facebook page
                                                                               product further. Other threats could include a bad review in      methods of promotion to compare them with              ThePukkaRucka or online at
                                                                               a magazine article from the main rugby magazine ‘Rugby            each other.                                            (
                                                                               life’. That would really hit the company hard and put off
                                                                               potential consumers.
                                                                                                                                                                                  William Brown                                       41
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