Page 40 - William Brown 2017
P. 40
Testing against design specification Key
Product meets design specification
Product partially meets design specification
Product does not meet design specification
This part of testing is important to the overall testing process. By comparing the end product to
the design specifications I set to solve the initial issue, it helps me to see if I missed any cruc ial
spec points or if I followed all the points correctly meaning that I have successfully fulfilled th e 1.1- Having showed and tested the jackal trainer with my expert, client and test group, the feedbac k
criteria to make my product the solution to the issue of no direct training equipment for the they gave me said that the jackal technique trainer really succeeded on getting you into the low
jackal/ruck technique in rugby. If I have not met any spec points then it is useful to see what perfect body position.
modifications will be needed to further improve and develop my product.
1.2- There is a resistance element to the prototype in the form of a therabond, which comes in a
variety of 5 different resistance strengths.
1.1- My product should allow the consumer to be in the perfect jackal/ruck position so that they wi ll 1.3- I took into consideration the variety of different sizes, suing ergonomics testing and collect ing
be able to perform it in a match. average data. However, as the concept of the jackal trainer is to get people in a low body position , the
1.2- It should provide a resistance element to the user so that it can replicate the movements in t he jackal trainer doesn’t really need to adapt to different body sizes as it is th people who need to adapt
match and also increase strength to the particular muscle groups to prevent injury. to the low body position. But any one who plays rugby should be able to get low enough to use the
1.3- It should allow for a variety of sizes (Height, weight and build) so that it appeals to a wide r range jackal trainer.
of people. 1.4- Any age group and both genders can use this prototype.
1.4- It should be able to be used by both genders and from ages 14 years old -upwards.
2.1- I rounded off all the sharp corners and applied padding to the panel edges, thus preventing an y
2.1- There must be no risk of injury to the user through sharp edges, corners or any loose parts potential for injury.
coming off on the product. 2.2- As the jackal trainer is designed to get you into a low strong body position which naturally i sn’t
2.2- Each component of the product should be comfortable in all positions for the user so that it d oes comfortable, there can’t be any change to make the design suit maximum comfort. However, the pads
not deter them from using the product. are there to provide safety and cushioning to the shoulders of the user.
2.3- The product must not be excessively big that it can’t be transported easily. 2.3- The product can fit into most vehicles and can be disassembled to make it even smaller to fit
2.4- The disassembly and assembly of the product must be simple and clear to the user. This is a ke y anywhere.
essential so that sales will increase due to its simplicity. 2.4- It is obvious of which parts can be disassembled as there are nuts/bolts that hold the parts
2.5- The product should be weather proof and involve materials that do not get slippery or hard to together and can easily be undone.
handle when the user is using the product. 2.5- The prototype is made from plywood but is coated with weather resistant paint, therefore it wi ll
2.6- The product should provide an option to change different resistance elements to adapt to stop corrosion or weather damage. The pads on the panels provide grip and won’t get slippery when
varying body weights. The resistance element should be able to withstand a maximum force of wet.
720lbs (327kg) for a person who weighs 150kg, and also provide a medium resistance of 535lbs 2.6- The therabonds used in the prototype design can withstand the forces applied by someone who
(243kg) force and a minimum resistance option to withstand 115lbs (52kg) of force for users who weighs 150kg (black band)
weigh around 60kg which is at them minimum weight scale. 2.7- I took into consideration the variety of different sizes, suing ergonomics testing and collect ing
2.7- The product must allow for people who are tall (up to 7ft) and small (approx 5ft) to be used average data. However, as the concept of the jackal trainer is to get people in a low body position , the
without difficulty and the function must remain the same for both. jackal trainer doesn’t really need to adapt to different body sizes as it is th people who need to adapt
2.8- If the jackal trainer requires the use of a rugby ball then it should be able to facilitate a ball from to the low body position. But any one who plays rugby should be able to get low enough to use the
150mmx280mm - 200x300mm in size. jackal trainer.
2.9- If the jackal trainer is attached to a rugby post(s) then the attachment should be designed fo r 2.8- The jackal trainer has enough room under the lid for any size rugby ball.
sizes, 50mm, 75mm and 100mm posts circumference. 3m up to cross bar from ground and 5.6m 2.9- The post clips are measured to fit round a 100mm thick post and therefore meets the design
from post to post. specification of a professional rugby post.
3.1- The product must be aesthetically pleasing to the target market so that they are more inclined 3.1- Neither my expert, client and user group said the jackal trainer was ugly, and they commented
to purchase it, but making sure the function is not affected by focussing on aesthetics. that it looked good.
3.2- The product must appeal to both genders and ages 14 years up. Therefore, the colours must be 3.2- The colours I used for the prototype are fairly neutral so there is no gender bias, and the pr oduct
neutral, not favouring one gender over the other. has nothing that wouldn’t appeal to ages 14 upwards.
3.3- The colours used must not offend any cultures or religions, as rugby is a multicultural sport, this 3.3- The colours used in the prototype are neutral (grey and dark blue)
issue must be controlled. 3.4- There are no vibrant colours or any particular colours that put the jackal trainer out of pla ce in a
3.4- The aesthetics along with the colours must not look out of place in an indoor and outdoor rugby environment.
training environment. 3.5- There are no major dismembered parts or errors in the final design of the prototype.
3.5- The finish to the product must look professional, making sure no parts are out of place. 3.6- The branding of the jackal trainer will be unique as I have many brand ideas and the chosen
3.6- The design of the product and its marketing brand must be unique so that it out competes its design will link well to the jackal trainer (see on marketing page)
William Brown 39