Page 39 - William Brown 2017
P. 39
Testing Function
Client/Expert Comments
Expert Cost Ergonomics
Clive Bell- ‘Seeing this product in the flesh has made it a lot clearer on how well it will work. It
is low to the ground which is good as the intention of this product is to work on getting in a
low, strong body position. I feel as though the ‘arms’ could be thicker because at the moment
I am concerned they might be fragile and break if they are hit hard either by a player or
another object in storage. For example, at my rugby club we tend to store all training
equipment in a container with lots of heavy materials. However, I understand that this is a
prototype and will probably be made out of a stronger material when being manufactured.
Another issue that was brought is the post clip size. Rugby posts vary in thickness anywhere Materials Aesthetics
between 75mm-100+mm, professional teams will have 100mm thick posts but many clubs
vary with post sizes due to cost issues. This prototype has a 100mm circumference and when
testing at my local club, it was too small for the first team pitch posts (in fairness, they are
not standard issue posts) and too big for the training posts. Therefore, when manufacturing Manufacturing
this product, you should look to offer a variety of post clip sizes to consumers as posts vary. I got both Clive and James to decide on how to map
Despite that, I really like this product and it is something I would buy if it was on the market’ The Pukka Rucka on a spider chart, where the higher
the spike, the better the meaning.
Client Cost I meant, how expensive would it be to buy.
James Parry- ‘This product really helps you get into a low driving body position and with a Manufacturing, how well I made the proto-type.
sufficient amount of resistance this really works the core muscles whilst giving you the target Materials, if they were suitable or not. Function, if
to push the pads back and grab the ball. The negatives of the product are that wood material it works how it intends to work.
for the pads could be stronger and thicker to allow more room for contact of your shoulders Aesthetics, how well it looks.
and also the lid doesn’t totally cover up a size 5 ball so the lid function isn’t really necessary. I Ergonomics, how well it interacts and feel with the
feel that you should just focus on the function of the body position and resistance. Overall, for consumer.
a prototype it is good.’
Required Modifications
Now that I have assembled the project fully and tested all of its functions, it
is clear to see that there is room for improvement by modifying certain
aspects such as the lid’s ability to fold back down again and also the slow to
put the lid on the main block should allow more room of pivoting, this will
VIDEO allow me to place the pivot holes on the lid further forward and prevent
cracking. Modifying the ‘arms’ at the bottom so that there is more of a lip to
put a bar through and greater shift the rugby ball so that the player finds it
easier to pick up and get into more of jackal position.
Looking at the feedback from my Expert and Client, I feel they are generally
positive towards my product and offer necessary descriptions on where I can
look to improve on. When producing this product, I would make sure that I
One modification I will make, is This video shows the action Alternative solutions to increase resistance provide an option of varying post clip sizes ranging from 75mm, 80mm,
changing the material or repositioning of the ‘arms’ pivoting and could be to use (coil springs or bungee 100mm, 125mm, 150mm and 200mm as I went to 4 different clubs and saw
or reshaping the pivot holes on the lid. unsuccessfully moving the cord) or long resistance bands. The springs that each set of posts between the lot have different post diameters with
As seen in this photo, the pivot screws rugby ball sufficiently. The would work best as they aren’t in a loop, so those varying sizes.
have caused the wood to crack as high aluminium bar that is put they can placed over the nuts at the bottom
amounts of stress have been applied to across both the ‘arms’ is of the ‘arms’ and taken round the back of Overall, I am happy with the look and function of my product and can see
the wood and the position of the holes supposed to ‘kick’ the ball the post clip blocks, to give high what parts to modify to make it the best it can possibly be.
are too close to the edge, meaning that back towards the player so resistance.
is it is more susceptible to cracking. that it is easier to pick up.
William Brown 38