Page 7 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 7

Booth Activation

               Conference Attendees: The CIAA basketball ticket holders in the
               Spectrum Arena will have the opportunity to provide contact information to
               receive premium items and a $100 gift certificate for one lucky attendee.

               Exhibit Activation Elements – Goal: Collect contact information
               at exhibit booth
               •Booth setup – Includes (2) banner ups, tv monitor displaying AARP MCL
               videos,Wealth backdrop, caregiving or wealth collateral and premium items.

               •Data Capture – use Selfie cam and memory block game (featuring CIAA
               schools) to capture information – mini basketballs, lip balm/mints,
               smartphone neck bands, hand sanitizer, tote bags (3,000 pieces total).

               •Social media booth activation support as part of call-to-action – have
               attendees download app to enter for $100 gift card giveaway (10 cards – 1
               per winner per game time) and (5 cards for Fan Fest (1), Super Saturday (1),
               Spectrum Pavilion (1) and general public (2) – 2,500 – 3,000 data goal.

                       Date                Time                  Activity                       Notes

                THURSDAY,                5:00 A.M. –   Exhibit Move-In - Boxes should    Set up Banner ups (each side
                FEBRUARY 28              7:00 A.M.     be delivered to arrive at         of booth)
                                                       Spectrum Center on 2/25/18        Set up TV with USB of
                                         11:00 A.M. –                                    videos (back of booth) –
                                         9:00 P.M.     10:30 A.M. – TEAM HUDDLE          video runs and/or hashtags
                                                                                         Place six-foot table at back
                                                       11:00 A.M. – BOOTH OPENS –        of booth
                                                       ALL DAY                           Place premiums and
                                                       ▪   SOCIAL MEDIA                  brochures under both tables
                                                       ▪ #AARPHEREWITHYOU                and back of booth
                                                       ▪ SELFIE CAM
                                                       ▪ CIAA SCHOOL TILE
                                                          MEMORY GAME
                FRIDAY, MARCH 1          11:00 A.M. –  7:30 A.M. – TEAM HUDDLE
                                         10:00 P.M.    8:00 A.M. – BOOTH OPENS –
                                                       ALL DAY
                                                       ▪   SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                       ▪ #AARPHEREWITHYOU
                                                       ▪ SELFIE CAM
                                                       ▪ CIAA SCHOOL TILE
                                                          MEMORY GAME                                             7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12