Page 9 - TJFR Playbook as of 8.2i8.19
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We have provided overview and sample graphics for your reference. Here are some points
that can assist as you engage with booth visitors.
1. Be friendly and approachable – feel free to reach out to state representatives if you are
unsure of how to answer a question.
2. The Ipads collect data to track the number of people that visit our booth. There are two
opt-in questions – one for AARP and one for Sisters. They can opt in to receive one (1)
post-event email thanking them for their visit. By providing their information, they are not
signing up for membership or multiple eblasts.
3. Sisters Postcards – enables visitors to send a message of encouragement to someone –
they write the note, address the card and hand to you for mailing.
4. Sam Fine Makeover Contest – ask guests to visit the URL to enter to win a makeover
with their girlfriends in NYC.
5. About Sisters -Top 3-5 Messages:
The Sisters from AARP digital newsletter celebrates Gen-X and Baby Boomer African
American women. You can sign up
Sisters from AARP is an online community where black women can share real talk and
advice on the issues of greatest importance and relevance to them. Over the past year our
readers have come to know our site as a place for African American women to share real talk
and advice—on style, health, sex, money and more.
To celebrate our one-year anniversary, we launched its “Sisterhood is Beautiful” contest to
celebrate friends that become family. From Aug. 27 to Sept. 6, subscribers are encouraged to
submit stories of up to 350 words describing the moment that transformed a friend into a
cherished sister friend.
The top essay will win a girls’ trip to New York City (Nov. 14-16) inspired by the beauty of
that friendship and a Nov. 15 makeover for the pair with celebrity makeup artist Sam Fine.
This is a meaningful milestone in AARP’s continuing commitment to authentically,
intentionally engage and support diverse audiences. African American women are thirsting for
information about how to live our best lives. AARP is committed to being that go-to resource.
6. Entrepreneurship Contest – AARP encourages entrepreneurship to help build wealth.
For guests interested in starting their own businesses, encourage them to visit
7. Census2020 - AARP is partnering with the Census Bureau to promote job openings as a
census taker for the 2020 Census across all communities. If a visitor is interested, they can
8. Stop RX Greed - This campaign focus is to collect signed petitions to voice dissatisfaction
to Congress and the Administration with the high price of prescription drugs. The
campaign is defined by four areas - Stop Price Gouging, Increase access and affordability, 14
Close loopholes and increase generic drugs and support transparency. Additional
information is provided in this playbook.