Page 12 - PR 2014 2016 09 Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle
P. 12

256   Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report

                (a)                         (b)                         (e)

                (c)                         (d)

               Figure 12. Numerical modelling of the plate type fuel for research reactor: a) geometry general view; b) ge-
               ometry detail of fuel top section; c) geometry detail of fuel bottom section (nozzle); d) numerical mesh de-
               tail of fuel bottom section (nozzle); e) numerical mesh detail of top fuel section.

               safety of the IEA-R1 reactor increasing power   fuel for research reactors were carried out as
               up to 5 MW. Another research project aims to   it can be seen in Fig. 12.
               design and build a test section for the study
               of induced flow in fuel elements of nuclear re-  Mechanical Analysis of Nuclear
               search reactors parallel plate type vibrations.   Research Reactor IEA-R1 Pipelines
               The study of the dynamic of the parallel plate
               fuel elements behavior is of great importance   An engineering project was developed to
               to the safety of nuclear research reactors where   identify the kind of failure of the decay pipe -
               the flow of cooling fluid may reach high op-   line, brackets, flanges and screws in chan -
               erational conditions (critical speeds) causing   nels of the nuclear research reactor IEA-R1
               vibrations and may, in the latter case lead to   at IPEN-CNEN/SP. The project analysis rec-
               the collapse of fuel plates, which can result   ommended the work of a consulting firm
               in serious accident proportions. Knowledge     specialized in corrosion testing with gam-
               of the operational limits of the fuel elements   magraphy pipe channels of IEA-R1. It was
               designed to be used in the research reactor    performed a stress analysis simulation of
               under development in Brazil requires the test-  primary circuit pipeline of IEA-R1 coupled
               ing that can be compared with the criteria     pipe, props and equipment indicating a
               required for your license of operation. In this   probable scenario for pipe failure. The after
               research project, an experimental test bench   failure scenario of the pipeline indicated: a
               for fuel elements of nuclear research reactors   new project supported channels and chang-
               was designed and reconstructed at the Center   es in the design of some supporters of the
               for Nuclear Engineering (CEN-IPEN-CNEN/        primary circuit. The stress analysis, coupled
               SP). The tests consists of analysis of vibration   pipe, props and equipment of primary circuit
               induced by the flow in the channels formed     pipeline of IEA-R1 indicated design modifi-
               between the plates and deformation of fuel     cations of the media. Technical reports were
               plates. Numerical simulations on plate type    prepared as part of the announcement to

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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