Page 8 - PR 2014 2016 09 Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle
P. 8
252 Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report
Figure 5. Schedule for cogene-
~37% Electrical Energy ration system using natural gas
engines for hot and cold water
NG production from flue gases.
100% Chiler Broad,
exaustion gas Cold
and hot water
Air Hot water for
23% + 23% = 46%
balance, and to assess the potential for en- water production from flue gases. Surveys
ergy conservation that different equipment were also conducted in the field of commer-
configurations may offer and to make them cial premises, where it would be possible to
economically attractive in commercial facil- apply cogeneration, such as laundries, data
ities of São Paulo. To achieve the above goals, centers, supply centers (central food supply),
energy balance studies were carried out in among others. Important research was con-
detail accounting for thermal energy flow ducted at the Port of Santos in order to eval-
rejected for different temperature ranges of uate the energy matrix of the harbor and the
engines and turbines used for CHP. The results possibility of implementing cogeneration
were applied to heat recovery systems, as- thermoelectric generation from natural gas.
sembling different retrieval settings, such as The purpose would be the supply of power
domestic hot water, steam, chilled water pro- to both terminals on land and to make the
duction (Lithium Bromide-water absorption cold ironing, namely the supply of electric-
chiller) cold production at low temperature ity to ships at berth. This electricity supply
(Ammonia-water absorption chiller). Figure 5 mainly aims at reducing emissions for ships
shows the schedule for cogeneration system that currently use oil to generate the energy
using natural gas engines for hot and cold required for this step. Figure 6 shows a photo
Figure 6. Picture of Cap San Marco, Figure 7. Simulation schedule of the CCE-USP cogeneration sys-
docked at the Porto of Santos. tem with six microturbines and three absorption chillers.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares