Page 7 - PR 2014 2016 09 Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle
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Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle | Progress Report 251
the reactor core and to determine parameters Neutronic and Thermal-hydraulic
such as k-effective, neutron flux and power Analysis of a Device for Irradiation
density. The program SCALE 5.1 was used to of LEU UAl -Al targets for Mo
find the targets burnup, and the inventory of Production in the IEA-R1 reactor
nuclides generated. Neutronic calculations
showed that the current Brazilian demand Technetium-99m ( 99m Tc), the product of radio-
of Mo, 450 Ci per week, and the projected active decay of molybdenum-99 ( Mo), is one
future demand of 1000 Ci, can be met by us- of the most widely used radioisotope in nu-
ing targets of UAl -Al and U-Ni. The analyzes clear medicine, covering approximately 80%
were realized for the same amount of ura- of all radiodiagnosis procedures in the world.
nium present in the targets (20,1 g) and the Nowadays, Brazil requires an amount of about
same irradiation conditions. From equation 450 Ci of Mo per week. Due to the crisis and
{[N * (σ1Φ1 + σ2Φ2 + σ3Φ3 + σ4Φ4) * V * y * the shortage of Mo supply chain that has
(1-e-λt)] / 3.7 * 1010} and from the microscopic been observed in the world since 2008, IPEN
fission cross sections produced and collapsed decided to develop a project to produce Mo
into 4 groups by HAMMERTECHNION, it was through fission of uranium-235. The objective
possible to calculate the expected results and of this work was the development of neutronic
compares them to the results generated with and thermal-hydraulic calculations to evalu-
the SCALE 5.1.For UAl -Al and U-Ni plate type ate the operational safety of a device for Mo
targets the expected calculations converge to production to be irradiated in the reactor core
values very close to those performed by the IEA-R1 at 5 MW. In this device, ten targets of
SCALE, but for the U-Ni cylindrical target, the UAl -Al dispersion fuel with low enriched
results were inconsistent. The inconsistency uranium (LEU) and density of 2.889 gU/cm³
was due to the fact that the HAMMERTECH- were placed. For the neutronic calculations,
NION does not have a module for calculating the computer codes HAMMER-TECHNION
self-shielding, which makes it unsuitable and CITATION were utilized and the maxi-
for this analysis. To solve the problem, the mum temperatures reached in the targets
software package AMPX from the Oak Ridge were calculated with the code MTRCR-IEAR1.
National Laboratory was used to generate The analysis demonstrated that the device
the cross sections of the homogenized cell irradiation will occur without adverse conse-
(aluminum radiator + U-Ni cylindrical target quences to the operation of the reactor. The
+ cooling channels) of the U-Ni cylindrical total amount of Mo was calculated with
target. This program package contains the the program SCALE, obtaining an activity of
module Rolaids(,) which executes an integral 620 Ci for 3 days irradiation, 831.96 Ci for 5
transport calculation to handle the effect of days and, after 7 days irradiation, the activity
self-shielding in multi- regions. The programs was 958.3 Ci.
SCALE 5.1 and MCNP 5 were utilized for cal-
culation the cross sections of the reactor core Study of necessary equipment for
materials, the 3D modeling of the core and cogeneration viability in commercial
to determine parameters such as k-effective, installations at concession area of
the neutron flux and power density. The cal- the São Paulo Gas Company
culations were compared with each other to
ensure consistency of methodology. This study aims to identify the characteris-
tics of the equipment, to generate the energy