Page 13 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 13

Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 /             11

            Russia and the UAE are going to jointly

            develop a fifth-generation Russian-Emirati

            fighter based on the MiG-29.

            developing. In the structure of Russia’s   Cooperation in the field of peaceful atom is of
            exports to the UAE, the bulk of deliveries falls   great importance in relations between the two
            to precious metals and stones, food products and   countries. In particular, Rosatom is already
            agricultural raw materials, chemical products,   supplying natural and enriched uranium for
            mineral products, machinery, equipment and   the first Emirati nuclear power plant „Baraka“,
            vehicles, metals and products thereof, wood as   and there are contracts in place for the supply
            well as pulp and paper products.         of radioactive isotopes and equipment for the
                                                     hazardous industrial wastes processing plant.
            Russian imports are represented by chemical   In addition, Russia is conducting negotiations
            products, machinery, equipment and vehicles,   regarding the disposal of spent nuclear fuel
            food products and agricultural raw materials,   of the „Baraka“, which is currently under
            metals and metal products, as well as textiles   construction.
            and footwear.
                                                     Both countries cooperate in the fields
            Military-technical cooperation occupies   of science, culture and education. In October
            a considerable share in the Russian-Emirati   of 2014, a memorandum of understanding
            portfolio. Under the contracts signed in   was signed between the Ministry of Education
            1994–1995, the UAE received a significant   and Science of the Russian Federation and the
            amount of BMP-3 and armoured repair and   Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific
            recovery vehicles; in August 2000, the UAE   Research of the United Arab Emirates
            signed a contract with the Tula Instrument   on cooperation in the field of higher education
            Design Bureau for the development and supply   and scientific research, and in June 2016, the
            of the „Pantsir“ anti-aircraft gun and missile   M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and
            systems. And in November 2006, Russia and   the Institute of Science and Technology Masdar
            the United Arab Emirates signed an agreement   signed an agreement on scientific and technical
            on military-technical cooperation, which   cooperation in educational, scientific and
            created the current legal framework of the   innovative activities.
            relations between the two states in this area.
            The major result of signing this agreement   Such multifaceted cooperation between
            was the conclusion of an arms contract for the   Russia and the UAE gives reason to believe
            supply of anti-tank missiles worth more than   that our country has a reliable partner
            $700 million. In addition, Russia and the UAE   in the Middle East, one ready to take the same
            are going to jointly develop a fifth-generation   course as Russia and to participate in a large
            Russian-Emirati fighter based on the MiG-29.   number of projects initiated by Moscow. The
            A corresponding agreement on this topic was   implementation of all the conceived plans
            signed in 2017.                          will allow to bring the relations between the
                                                     Russian Federation and the UAE to a higher
            According to the „Rostec“ director general   level, which, in turn, will positively affect the
            Sergey Chemezov, the machine should be   Middle Eastern region as a whole, since the
            created within the next 7–8 years.       Emirates are one of the key players of this
            Negotiations for the supply of Su-35 fighters
            for this Middle Eastern country are still
            in progress.
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