Page 16 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 16
14 / Innovation
The Be-103 multipurpose
light amphibian aircraft
is another development Emergencies Ministry of the Russian Federation Taganrog-produced aircraft is in full swing. By
of the Beriev Aircraft in January 2017. Since June 2004 these aircraft 2025, the volume of deliveries for the domestic
are on constant duty during the fire danger and foreign markets might surpass 50 aircraft of
season. In April 2008 a Be-200ChS aircraft different modifications based on the Be-200ChS.
was delivered to the Emergencies Ministry of The basic modification of the aircraft is developed
Azerbaijan. Two more aircraft (a Be-200 and for aerial fire-fighting with water or other fire
a Be-200ChS) are operated by Beriev Aircraft extinguishing liquids. Due to its fully leak-proof
Company. In May 2011 a state contract for fuselage which allows the aircraft to accomplish
delivery of six more aircraft for the Emergencies a wider variety of tasks the Be-200 aircraft’s
Ministry of the Russian Federation was signed. other roles include carrying passengers and
The aircraft are assembled in Taganrog as the cargo, performing rescue missions, environmental
aircraft serial production was transferred from monitoring, and patrolling maritime economic
Irkutsk to Taganrog. Now the assembly of zones and borders.
By 2025, the volume of deliveries for the
domestic and foreign markets might surpass
50 aircraft of different modifications based
on the Be-200ChS.