Page 20 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 20
18 / Deterrent factor
ANOTHER FAILURE for this attack, allegedly carried out by use of
just 10 drones. Riyadh insists that the total
Early in the morning of September 14, number of drones was 18, supplemented by
explosive-outfitted UAVs and cruise missiles 7 cruise missiles, all of which were launched
hit installations located hundreds of kilometres from Iran. Tehran, of course, rejects all charges.
from the Yemeni border, including the largest
oil refinery in the world. According to reports, But you can certainly say that Saudi Arabia’s
there were no casualties, the fires were air defence, protecting strategically important
extinguished after a few hours; Riyadh reported facilities, completely failed. The Houthi
that the damage was repaired in matter of shells were supposed to be intercepted by the
weeks. Nevertheless, for several days the word American „Patriot“ PAC-3 systems, as well as
markets were in fever, and the attack itself led French „Crotale“ and Swiss „Skyguard“ based
to another flare-up in the already boiling-hot „Shaheen“ artillery systems. Nevertheless,
climate of the Persian Gulf: Saudi Arabia and from the Saudi side, as far as it is known, not a
the United States were immediately accused single missile or shell was fired.
Iran, which openly supports the Houthis.
At the same time, the September attack was
Abqaiq refinery There are certainly a lot of unknown variables not the first Houthi success: for example, in
attacked by the
Houthis (photo: in this story. The Houthis claimed responsibility May they attacked a large oil pipeline in the