Page 25 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 25
Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 / 23
representatives of the „Tor“ family, already fairly regular Israeli strikes was at least greatly
combat-tested in Syria. diminished after the events of the famous joint
attack on Syria led by the United States, Britain
and France in April of 2018.
Of course, purely political factors will play a
Even the best weapons will not help Saudi role in Saudi Arabia’s the decision; in the end,
Arabia, should the issue of organizing air it will be difficult for a country that has been
defence and personnel training not be resolved. in the orbit of American influence for many
Some speculate that the September fiasco was years to make a choice in favour of Russian
achieved due to the shortcomings of the „Patriot“ weapons, which, in the meanwhile, have already
system, such as its inability to track targets been offered at the highest level. However, the
at an altitude of less than 30 meters; but it is circumstances in which the Saudis are after
much more likely that those responsible for the the attack on Abquaiq and Khurais are such,
defence of Abqaiq and Khurais simply „slept that Riyadh will have to seek not the most
through“ the Houthi attack. convenient, but the most effective response to
the Houthi threat.
Thus, once again, we almost have to recall
that Russia managed to organize Syrian air
defence in such a way that the damage of the
S-400 — the most modern
of the existing long-range
anti-aircraft missile systems,
with such purchasers as China,
India and Turkey.