Page 29 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 29
Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 / 27
The key features of the integrated Russian air/missile defence system are multi-
layering, which provides an increase in defence density as it approaches the
shielded object, as well as the already proved and tested (in practice as well)
capability of linking all equipment into a single control loop with automatic
transmission of information on targets, task distribution and development of firing
S o far, the cooperation between Russia cruise missiles, UAVs, including low-observable), Khodarenok
and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia in
with some ability to intercept ballistic targets.
the military-technical sphere has been
limited to relatively small batches of
weapons and military equipment, although over The middle line of defence can be covered by
the latest Russian S-350 „Vityaz“ system, the
the years there have been reports of possible key feature of which is a new-generation 3D
purchases of expensive systems, including the radar and an increased ammunition load of
S-400 „Triumph“ air defence systems. anti-aircraft guided missiles, up to 12 missiles
per launcher, increasing its ability to counter
In many ways, the potential opportunities saturation attacks from different directions.
for expanding cooperation were used by both This line may also profit from deploying a
parties as a political tool, never translating into Buk-M3 („Viking“) air defence system, the latest
real contracts due to various factors, including item of a well-known family, also characterized
pressure from the US and both parties’ diverse by increased ammunition load (from 4 to 6 mis-
political interests. siles per launcher), and engagement range: up
to 70 km (for Buk-M3), and up to 65 km (for the
The successful attack by the Houthi movement „Viking“).
against the Saudi oil fields and Saudi Aramco’s
primary oil refining plant by way of utilising Finally, both the installations and the protected
unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles objects themselves can be defended from the
raises a question regarding the fundamental close line by the „Pantsir-S1“ anti-aircraft mis-
ability of the Kingdom’s armed forces to protect sile and cannon systems and the „Tor“ anti-air-
the foundation of the country’s economy from craft missile systems of various modifications,
the recurrence of such incidents. which also duplicate and complement each
other, thus increasing the probability of target
It should be noted, that the Saudi air defence detection and destruction.
forces, equipped almost exclusively with Amer-
ican systems, both for detection and engage- It should be noted, of course, that the firing
ment, had previously demonstrated low combat systems can and should be supplemented by
efficiency, regularly letting Houthi missiles get a set of radar stations, control equipment and
through. electronic countermeasures.
Once again it brings up the question of improv- Russian air defence systems can be easily inte-
ing the air defence forces of the Kingdom as a grated into the existing national air defence of
centrepiece issue, further promoting the rele- any type, incorporating and managing the latter
vancy of cooperation with Russia, as the only without loss of functionality.
country capable of providing a turnkey modern
air/missile defence system. That is, customers will have no reservations
regarding use of purchased products — they
The main distinguishing feature of the Russian are to be integrated into a new and reliable
solution is its multi-echelon characteristics and Russian-made system, in selected areas; this is
the possibility for its duplication at every line. a factor of significant savings.
So, the far line (up to 400 km) can be protected
by anti-aircraft missile systems of the S-400 and Stability and performance of an organized air
S-300VM type („Antey-2500“), designed pri- defence system requires prepared and qualified
marily to counter aerodynamic targets (aircraft, personnel trained under conditions of routine