Page 33 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 33

Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 /            31

            The system includes:                     than 3.7 kg. Duration of continuous operation —
            •   a radar detection module (radar) with a detec-  at least 1 hour.
              tion range of 10 km;
            •   an optoelectronic intelligence module with   Means for engaging medium and heavy
              a recognition range of at least 3 km;  UAVs. „Pantsir-S1“ anti-aircraft missile
            •   an electronic reconnaissance and direction   and cannon system. The „Pantsir-S1“ anti-air-
              finding module with a detection range of at   craft missile and cannon system is designed for
              least 20 km;                           air defence of small-sized military (including
            •   an electronic countermeasures module with a   mobile) and administrative-industrial facilities
              suppression range of at least 5 km.    and areas from aircraft, helicopters, cruise mis-
                                                     siles, high-precision weapons and UAVs, as well
            Radio electronic UAV jamming station     as to strengthen air defence clusters against
            „Kupol-PRO“. The radio suppression radius of   massive air raids at ranges up to 20 km.
            the UAV control and navigation channels is at
            least 2.7 km.                            Among the major foreign counterparts are:
                                                     SPYDER-SR (Israel), MICA-VL, Crotale-Mk3 (both
            It may be mounted on a stationary installation   of French design), Spada-2000 (Italy), HQ-64
            or on a vehicle base. It can be used covertly   (China), Iris-T SL (enterprises from Germany and
            (from the top trunk of a vehicle).       other European countries).
            Operates in the temperature range from –40   Competitive advantages of the „Pantsir-S1“
            degrees to +60 degrees C, as well as in rain, in   system:
            sand and dust.                           •   capability for autonomous operation of indi-
                                                       vidual combat vehicles, increasing the total
            Man-portable anti-UAV system               size of the defended area and the number of
            PISHCHAL-PRO“. Ensures safety during mass   protected sites;
            events, allows protection of sensitive state and   •   capability for engaging air targets not only
            civil purpose facilities, and provides suppression   from a fast stop, but in motion as well (of all
            for all currently-available commercial UAVs.  short-range air defence systems, only „Pant-
                                                       sir-S1M“, „Tor-M2E“ and „Tor-E2“ air defence
            It counteracts UAVs by interfering the naviga-  systems have this feature);
            tion and control transmission channels. The UAV   •   ability to intercept air-to-ground weapons;
            control and navigation channel radio suppres-  •   combination of missile and cannon weapons,
            sion range is at least 2 km. Weight — not more   paired with an ability to defend against a

            It should be noted, that the Saudi

            air defence forces, equipped almost

            exclusively with American systems, both

            for detection and engagement, had

            previously demonstrated low combat

            efficiency, regularly letting Houthi missiles

            get through.
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