Page 34 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 34
32 / Deterrent factor
Long-range air defence
missile system S-400
„Triumph“ ground-based enemy; Competitive advantages of S-400. The
• use of a command control method that pro- S-400 „Triumph“ is a unique system. It has
vides the system with a high noise immunity; undeniable advantages over any of its compet-
• the system was combat-tested. itors. In terms of the maximum range of target
engagement (380 km), the S-400 is almost
Long-range air defence missile system twice as good as its counterparts. The closest
S-400 „Triumph“. The demand for S-400 air competitive air defence system engages at the
defence system, developed and produced by the range of 200 km, while the rest are lagging
„Almaz – Antey„ Corporation is huge around the behind the Russian system. The situation is
world. Our main advantage over the competitors similar with regards to the minimum range —
is ours and our partners’ confidence in the Cor- the “Triumph” is able to perform at a range of
poration’s ability to satisfy this demand, thanks 3 km.
to the well-established practices of Russian
industry. Today, one of the most important characteristics
for air defence systems is the minimum height
All Russian-made systems, without exception, for hitting a target. Practically, it is an ability to
were successfully tested either in combat or effectively resist precision weapons, the main
in the course of shooting exercises, which, in weapon of modern warfare, which causes the
essence, are similar to combat tests. Foreign cus- most damage to both troops and infrastruc-
tomers periodically attend exercises and target ture. Mostly, such targets fly at extremely low
practises held by the Russian military, featuring altitudes, utilising the terrain as a natural
the S-400. Our openness and readiness for com- cover. S-400 is able to destroy a cruise missile
bat testing of the system plays a significant part or any type of enemy aircraft at altitudes of
in selection thereof. up to 10 meters; and nothing flies lower. The