Page 37 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 37
Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 / 35
Anti-aircraft missile
and cannon system
The „Buk-M3“ system, adopted by the Rus- march, as well as important objects from „Pantsir-SM“
sian army, and its export version, the „Viking“, manned and unmanned aerial threats.
demonstrated a very high level of combat
effectiveness during both combat and training. Unlike most foreign counterparts, the „Tor-E2“
The „Viking“ has the ability to effectively engage air defence system is a highly maneuverable
aviation, as well as destructive elements of autonomous mobile combat unit, providing
precision weapons, tactical ballistic and cruise detection and recognition of aerial targets on
missiles, and sea- and ground-based targets. the march and during stops, with the ability for
transition to auto tracking and engaging targets
„Tor-E2“ AD system. The „Tor-E2“ is the latest when stationary, on a short stop and in motion.
Russian AD system, presented in the segment of High level of automation and unique complex
short-range air defence systems. algorithms make it possible to minimize the
participation of the crew in combat.
This system is designed to engage aircraft,
helicopters, cruise missiles, anti-radar and other A group of 4 „Tor-E2“ air defence units can
guided missiles, gliding and guided aerial bombs, simultaneously engage 16 targets flying from
as well as unmanned aerial vehicles within its any direction at a range of up to 15 km and at
effective area and under conditions of intense an altitude of up to 12 km. The ammunition load
firing and radio, optical and electronic counter- of one combat system is 16 missiles, which is
action, in any weather conditions, at day and 2 times higher compared to the previous modifi-
night. cations of the „Tor“ class.
The system is designed to protect units and
formations in all types of combat and on the