Page 35 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 35
Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 / 33
Аnti-aircraft missile
system Buk-M3
closest competitors in this regard lag behind our Foreign air defence systems lack in this regard. („Viking“)
system by 2 and a half times. For example, the „Patriot PAC-3“ is capable of
destroying aerodynamic targets, yet but its
One of the most important factors in the ability to destroy ballistic missiles is limited by
effectiveness of an air defence system and their launch range of up to 1000 km. As for the
its survivability in a modern war — which missile defence systems, for example, THAAD,
depends on its deployment and collapse time. are capable of destroying medium-range ballistic
According to this indicator, the S-400 was at missiles, but they are not able to combat targets
least 3 times ahead of its competitors. The flying at altitudes below 40 km.
„Triumph“ is able to start engaging any targets
in just 5 minutes after receiving a command. The „Viking“ (Buk-M3) AD system. The
It requires the same amount of time to leave multi-channel, highly mobile medium-range
the point. Its competitors require a minimum anti-aircraft missile system (ADS) „Viking“ is the
of 15 minutes to prepare for engagement. The development of the famous range of air defence
main advantage of the S-400 air defence sys- systems of the „Kub“ series — „Buk“. Compared
tem over its competitors in the world market with the Buk-M2E air defence system, the firing
is its high versatility in terms of the ability to range of the Viking was increased by almost
destroy various types of targets. The S-400 AD 1.5 times — up to 65 kilometers. In addition,
system is capable of destroying both aero- the number of simultaneously engaged targets
dynamic targets (aircraft, helicopters, cruise was increased by 1.5 times — 6 for each of the
missiles, UAVs, etc.) at a range of up to 380 self-propelled launchers, and the amount of
km and altitudes of up to 30 km, and ballistic guided missiles ready for launch from the firing
missiles of various classes with a launch range position from 2 of the anti-aircraft launchers
of up to 3000–3500 km. increased from 8 to 18.