Page 31 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 31
Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 / 29
Thus, it is necessary to discuss coopera-
tion in creating an air defence system
as a whole instead of just the purchases
of arms — lack of a systematic approach
to this issue may render any expenditures
for the purchase of modern weapons and
military equipment meaningless.
urgent need to radically change the approach tasks of protecting designated objects in a zone
to protecting critical government facilities, with a radius of at least 30 km.
facilities of the fuel and energy complex, nuclear
energy and other strategic sectors. The system provides:
• detection and direction finding of radio means
In the modern world, the threat from small- and of data transfer, and UAV control, tracks the
medium-sized UAVs has increased dramatically. UAV by signal parameters, maintains a da-
Its relevance is shown by attacks of the last two tabase of the results of electronic reconnais-
years, conducted by terrorists, extremists and sance and classifies the signals;
just people with an unbalanced psyche against • suppression of UAV control channels, trans-
airports in the USA and Europe. mission of telemetry and data from UAVs, as
well as UAV satellite navigation channels.
Today, Russia can offer means of combating
UAVs of all classes. The multifunctional „Sapsan-Bekas“ system
for detecting and counteracting UAVs. It
It is possible to arrange an echeloned UAV solves the task of protecting objects in a zone
combating system utilising means of electronic with a radius of 10 km. It can be installed on
warfare (to counteract to light UAVs) and air „Gazelle“, „Ford Transit“ or „Tiger“ type motor
defence systems (to directly engage medium and vehicles, or function separately.
heavy UAVs).
It is capable of counteracting UAVs in both man-
Combating small-sized UAVs. In this case, ual and automatic modes in a wide frequency
one of the main methods of counteraction is range, from 400 MHz to 6 GHz.
affecting the navigation and control channels of
the UAV in order to prevent its flight. When installed on car chassis, it is highly
maneuverable and can be quickly moved from
For guaranteed counteraction of UAV attacks one site to another.
on objects of military and state infrastructure
(airfields, fuel and energy-providing objects), as One of the main advantages of the „Sap-
well as protection of very important persons, the san-Bekas“ system is its versatility and
following means may be most sought-after. flexibility. The functionality of the system is
easily adapted to the needs of customers. The
„Repellent“ electronic warfare system for system can be supplied as required by the
combating small-sized UAVs. It solves the customer.