Page 24 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 24
22 / Deterrent factor
are not yet ready to provide one of its key allies defence systems — Russia and China. The
with more modern weaponry due to the fact latter is feeling quite confident in the Middle
that they simply have none in possession: the East, offering rather competitive articles —
replacement program for said „Patriots“ has just it is worth remembering that Turkey once
been launched. cancelled the results of a procurement auction
for the purchase of anti-aircraft missile
A number of options can be offered by European systems for political reasons — it was won by
manufacturers — for example, ground-based the Chinese HQ-9
short-range EMADS systems to be used in
conjunction with еру long-range SAMP-T, or the However, only Russia can offer Saudi Arabia
„Skyguard“ replacement — the German MANTIS. options for modernizing all the levels of its
However, it is known that in recent years Europe air defence. First of all, we are talking, of
has been very reluctant to cooperate with Saudi course, about the S-400 — the most modern
Arabia — Germany imposed an embargo on of the existing long-range anti-aircraft
the supply of weapons to the kingdom. Israeli missile systems, with such purchasers as
systems such as SPYDER cannot be considered China, India and Turkey. For direct defence
by Riyadh for obvious reasons. of facilities, one can utilise the „Pantsir-S1“
ZALA REX-1 „anti-
drone gun“ of the systems, shown to be a perfect way to repel
„Kalashnikov“ Thus, it will be quite natural to turn to UAV attacks, such as the Idlib ones against
Corporation, showcased the other two largest manufacturers of air the Khmeimim air base. Another option — the
at „Army-2019“ (photo:
„Russian Defence“)