Page 23 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 23
Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 / 21
Nowadays many countries are trying to create AVAILABLE OPTIONS
systems to counter the drone threat. Mostly, we
are talking about electronic warfare systems After the September attack, the United States
that can suppress the drone’s control system promised to supply Riyadh with additional
and deprive it of orientation in space. An „Patriot“ systems, new radars, and most
example of such a system is the REX „gun“ by importantly, soldiers, since low qualification
the „Kalashnikov“ corporation. Another branch and discipline of most Middle Eastern armies
of evolution — combat lasers, not unlike the are widely known. However, this is only a short-
Israeli „Iron Beam“. At a relatively low cost per term solution. In the future, the kingdom will
shot, they show good results against unmanned have to purchase new equipment: neither the
vehicles, on test runs. „Skyguard“ nor the „Shaheen“ can be regarder as
modern, and even the PAC-3 version „Patriot“ is
However, all these systems either require too far from the most advanced systems.
much it the way of costs (you can’t just put a
hundred sentries with anti-drone „guns“ near The simplest solution — a straightforward
every protected object), or are at currently at acquisition of new anti-aircraft systems, but 9K331MKM air defence
the test stage. Saudi Arabia needs a solution even this task can cause some difficulties for system in a module-
now. Saudi Arabia. Suffice it to say, the United States type variation —
„Tor-M2KM“ (photo:
„Russian Defence“)