Page 15 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 15
Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 / 13
D uring the Show the JSC Beriev Aircraft
Company signed contracts to deliver
Be-200ChS amphibious aircraft to
the companies from the USA and
Chile. Agreement with the American company
Seaplane Global Air Services makes provision
for the delivery of four aircraft with an option
for six more aircraft of the same type. The first
two aircraft will be equipped with the Ukranian
D-436TP engines, all the other aircraft will be
equipped with SAM-146 engines of the Russian-
French production. Contract with the Chilean
company Asesorias СВР Ltda. is intended for
delivery of two Be-200ES and an option for three
more aircraft.
Moreover, in the course of negotiations with
the representatives of the Israeli company SHZ
Aviation, the parties discussed an opportunity
for SHZ Aviation company to finance the
acquisition of Be-200 amphibious aircraft by
the foreign customers from Asia. Indonesia,
Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines were
mentioned among the top-priority countries.
The Be-200 aircraft is developed and
manufactured by JSC Beriev Aircraft Company,
a subsidiary of the United Aircraft Corporation
(UAC). Be-200 made its maiden flight in
September 1998. In 2003 its Be-200ChS variant
specially developed for the Russian Emergency
Ministry was certified according to AP-25 rules,
and also received type certification from EASA in
November 2010. That made it possible to operate
this aircraft in Europe and in other countries
which follow the EASA standards.
The Emergency Ministry of the Russian
Federation became the launch customer for
the Be-200ChS and now has nine amphibious
aircraft in service. The first Taganrog-assembled
Be-200 aircraft has been delivered to the