Page 17 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 17
Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 / 15
The Be-200 has demonstrated its capabilities provides them comfort during the flight. An
numerous times and has taken part in fire- autopilot, satellite navigation system and weather
fighting missions in France, Germany, Portugal, radar can be installed by a customer request
Italy, Greece, Malaysia and China. It has been as well as the second set of pilot (instructor)
piloted by French, American and Italian pilots controls. The Be-103 light amphibian aircraft
and all of them expressed a high opinion of its has been designed in full compliance with
performance and versatility. Russian and USA airworthiness norms AP-23
and FAR-23 respectively. In 2001 the aircraft
The Be-103 multipurpose light amphibian aircraft received a Russian Type Certificate, in July 2003
is another development of the Beriev Aircraft FAA certified Be-103 on Normal Airworthiness
Company for the following tasks: Standard according to Part 23 of Federal Aviation
• cargo-passenger transportation; Regulations. Later the Be-103 was certified
• urgent medical aid; by Brazilian, Chinese and European aviation
• patrolling, including fire-protection monitoring authorities. In 2003 three Be-103 aircraft were
and ecological control of water area; delivered to USA. In 2010 two aircraft of this
• tourist business. type were delivered to a Chinese customer, its
crews and technical staff were trained in Russia.
The amphibian qualities of the aircraft provide Chinese partners are expressing interest to order
wide scope of its usage in various regions that more Be-103 aircraft and localize its assembly
are hard to access by other means of transport — in China. Negotiations on licensed assembly of
with rivers, lakes and other water reservoirs. these multipurpose light amphibian aircraft are in
The Be-103 is equipped with navigation and progress with other countries as well.
communication equipment allowing operations
of this aircraft in complicated weather conditions
both day and night. The aircraft may take on
board five passengers while the cabin layout