Page 2 - Kingdom News Edition 7
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Message from the Editor
Erica McGraw
Greetings and thank you for checking out this edition
of Kingdom News Today!
I am so thankful for this edition and know that those
that contributed to it worked hard to accomplish the
task of producing a great tool to help those in their
faith. It is our prayer that as you read the articles in this edition, that you see and hear the Lord
concerning these topics.
The theme for this edition is about Shining Light on Dark Situations and Dispelling Darkness. Dis-
pelling Darkness is actually a series that is going to be used for the next four editions to expose
many of the things that Satan wants to keep hidden, but those who are walking in the light can not
allow the darkness to remain. There are souls that need to be saved and the only way to do so it to
illuminate them to the truth.
Another multipart series is one by Latisha Ewute with her insight and in-depth study on the topic of
Human Trafficking. This is a serious topic and it has many layers and she is ready to peel back the
layers and discuss them for the purpose of awareness.
I just want to remind you that you are important! First, to the Lord because He created you, but
also to your family, loved ones, and others. Sometimes we need to be reminded just because.
Don’t ever get to busy that you forget to tell those around you that you love them. That simple
jester can end up meaning the world to someone and can turn their bad day into a wonderful. We
never know what others are facing in life, so a kind word may go further then you can imagine, and
remember that you too are loved by the Almighty God that we serve.
I thank you once again! If you have any topics you’d like to know more about or if you are
interested in writing an article, please contact me at
Erica McGraw