Page 5 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 5
Light dispels darkness. In this series, we are going to dispel darkness with the Word of
God. We will be discussing various spirits that hinder God’s people in order to keep them
bound and hinder them from walking in the destiny God had already established for them.
As these spirits are identified, we will discuss their characteristics, how they operate and
how to overcome them. We will also show scriptural examples of these spirits and share
testimonies of those who have overcome from these spirits.
Healing is available and you can overcome these spirits as they enter your life. The Word
tells us that we are more than conquerors and in Romans 8:31, it says, “...If God is for us,
who can be against us?” Allow us to shed light on these dark areas, so healing can come
and the chains of bondage can be removed from your life and the lives of those you love.
Part 1: The Seducing Spirit
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018 Volume 7 ~ Page 5