Page 8 - Kingdom News Edition 7
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etc; but when it all plays out, noth- that spirit is in operation, and their
ing is ever done. What actually flattery no longer works. When I As you begin to have your eyes
happens is you continue to pro- first realized, this is what was hap- opened to what is actually happen-
duce and do for them, but they pening to me, I began to study it ing you may become confused and
never reciprocate and the relation- and read about this spirit. One of disillusioned. I actually felt like a
ship becomes one sided. the articles I found said, “Flattery fool and that I had been played. It
took me an entire year to be re-
leased from one responsibility be-
cause I was “being nice,” but final-
ly I just had to do what was best
for me and I had to come to grips
with that. I got to a point where I
personally felt like I was losing
my mind. I had feelings of shame
and was made to think my actions
were fake, but in reality, my heart
was in it for the good. See like we
spoke of earlier, things were twist-
ed, but in Romans 14:16, the Bible
says, “let not then your good be
evil spoken of…” Learn when it’s
time to end that relationship and
walk away.
In closing, I want to share this
statement I found while in my
studies. It was very eye opening
Loyalty is very important to those combined with a measure of when I found it and read it. This
operating in a seducing spirit. If charm, arrogance and charisma is statement is describing the actions
one doesn’t do things the way they a dangerous recipe.” This is so and appearance of a person operat-
expect you to operate, they will correct, it’s a dangerous recipe for ing in a seducing spirit. It says, “It
begin to say how disloyal you are. all involved. Remember the story is self-absorbed and proud, but
They will say the Lord gave them in Acts 16, where the lady fol- may appear humble; very inse-
a message, and this message will lowed Paul and his company say- cure, but appears confident; is a
be directly in alignment with what ing, “…These are the servants of taker, but may appear to be a giv-
you didn’t do for them and they the most high God, which shew er.”
will openly speak about you to hu- unto us the way of salvation.”
miliate you, making you feel weak Many could think this was just a People, I admonish you to move as
and unimportant or that you just lady telling of what these men the Spirit of the Living God directs
failed them so bad due to your ac- were doing, but in verse 10, we see you to move. Stop listening to
tions. where it said Paul was grieved those who will make you “feel”
when she made these statements good and move as the Holy Spirit
I had this happen to me. Me and and commanded by the power of directs you. You are valuable to
this person had a conversation and Jesus Christ that this evil spirit His Kingdom and for the work of
the next time I heard them speak come out of her. She was carrying the Lord. Don’t allow those who
they were sharing how Lord gave a spirit of divination and was using have disguised themselves as an-
them a message titled, “When your a form of flattery to mock their gels of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)
curse comes in the form of a bless- works of the Lord. hinder and block out the true light
ing.” The people in the room went that is available to you.
crazy over that topic, but what
they didn’t know is that it was a
dig and a jab to a conversation ear-
lier that week.
One will know they are overcom-
ing this spirit when you recognize
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018 Volume 7 ~ Page 8