Page 12 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 12
this dying world. When we are Your body is the temple of the
born again into the Kingdom of Holy Spirit and not a waste
God, we are now light in this bucket for the lusts of the flesh.
world. We are free from the You are not a work horse for
fate of this world and are re- pride of life but feel to live in
sponsible for lighting the way the Light of Life [in Jesus Polaris is a leader in the global
to freedom for others to escape. Christ]. The Lord of the glory fight to eradicate modern slav-
and lifter of your head, you are ery. Named after the North
no longer the stepping stool for Star that guided slaves to free-
those climbing to achieve the dom in the U.S., Polaris sys-
lusts of the eyes. Awake to the temically disrupts the human
fact that sickness can have an trafficking networks that rob
expiration date in your body, it human beings of their lives
is no longer welcomed in you and their freedom. Our com-
as you are part of the body of prehensive model puts victims
Christ. In fact, there is no place at the center of what we do –
in Christ where sickness can helping survivors restore their
exist. Free yourself from the freedom, preventing more vic-
belief that sickness is part of tims, and leveraging data and
life. Not when Jesus is the way, technology to pursue traffick-
the truth and the life. ers wherever they operate.
Knowing the truth of Jesus
Christ and building our rela- We are going to explore more National Human Trafficking
tionship with Him, our minds of the different traps of Satan Hotline 1 (888) 373-7888
are renewed in the faith and our to keep or recapture mankind
faith built according to 2 Peter in slavery. Again, things that
1:3-10. Knowing you are no occur in the physical world has
slave to sin, but rather now are always started in the spiritual Polaris BeFree
awakened children of the King world first. If we address the Texline Text
of Kings. Sin is abolished and spiritual, many of the physical "BeFree" (233733)
has no jurisdiction over you. ills of this physical world will
The chains are broken, shake cease to exist in many people’s
them off. The lie is exposed. lives.
Reference Scriptures: 2 Peter 1 & 2; Joel 3:3; Genesis 2 & 3
Traffickers lure and ensnare people into forced labor and sex trafficking by
manipulating and exploiting their vulnerabilities. Human traffickers recruit,
transport, harbor, obtain, and exploit victims – often using force, threats, lies,
or other psychological coercion.
Seduction and Romance—Romantic relationships are established with victims to lure them into prostitu-
tion or other forms of illegal work. These relations often turn to emotional and psychological abuse.
False Job Advertisements or Educational or Travel Opportunities—Enticing offers of employment or
travel are used to lure people.
Abduction, Sale by family, or Recruitment through Former Slaves—Again, these method gain the trust of
the victim to exploit them into trafficking.
Massage Parlors—This is a growing method of people being sold into trafficking.
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018 Volume 7 ~ Page 12