Page 14 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 14

extremes—singlehood and mar-            and  wonderfully  made  in  His         you  cultivate  your  relationship
        riage—are  indeed  gifts  from          image you are. We must contin-          with the Holy Spirit you begin
        God.  Singlehood  affords  one          ue to pray for our enemies and          to  grasp  an  understanding  that
        the opportunity to properly pre-        those  that  despitefully  use(d)       anyone  can  marry  someone  to
        pare for marriage in the beauty         us. Why? Because the bible de-          simply say they have a spouse;
        of  undivided  attention  to  the       clares in Ephesians 6:12 that we        but it takes a God filled individ-
        things  of  God  with  no  distrac-     wrestle  not  against  flesh  and       ual to wait on the Lord to show
        tions.  Marriage,  on  the  other       blood  but  against  spiritual          them  who  is  their  life  partner.
        end  of  the  spectrum,  affords        wickedness  in  the  heavenly           Your  life  partner  compliments
                                                realms.  Romans  12:2  says  we         your  purpose  and  will  honor
                                                must be transformed by the re-          and     respect    your     pre-
                                                newing  of  our  minds,  that  we       established relationship built in
                                                may  prove  what  is  that  good,       and with the Lord.
                                                acceptable,  and  perfect  will  of
                                                God.  Losing  someone  is  never        My sincere hope and prayer for
                                                easy  but  remember  the  MOST          each of  you is to acknowledge
                                                IMPORTANT  thing  in  life  is          the  truth  of  your  singleness,
                                                not  in  finding  a  mate  but  it’s    embrace your season, and seek
                                                SERVING.  Serve  through  the           to master spiritual and emotion-
        one the opportunity to have ex-         pain  of  your  heart  in  knowing      al  maturity  during  the  process.
        tended  joy,  help,  and  relief  in    that  the  joy  of  the  Lord  be-      Neither  stage  of  singleness  is
        certain  areas  of  life.  They  al-    comes your strength.                    always  easy  all  the  time  but  it
        ways  say  two  heads  are  better                                              can be rewarding if we find Je-
        than  one,  right?  But  how  do        Cultivating  daily  fellowship          sus in it. Whatever it is that you
        you  overcome  that  feeling  of        with the Holy Spirit is an excit-       do  while  single,  do  all  to  the
        being alone? How do you over-           ing  adventure  that  takes  time       glory of God. Blessings be unto
        come the negative thoughts the          and effort but is worth it. It will     you in this season.
        enemy  tries  to  make  you  feel
        like you’re not good enough as
        to  why  you  are  still  single?
        How  do  you  relinquish  all  the
        hurt that man or woman caused
        you  from  your  previous  mar-
        riage  or  relationship?  How
        could you ever love again after
        losing your significant other to
        death?  Combat  loneliness  by
        getting  involved  at  your  local
        ministry,  community  organiza-
        tion,  or  school/campus  clubs.
        Remember in Hebrews 13:5 he
        says He’ll never leave nor for-
        sake  us.  This  means  we  are         serve  as  the  heart  of  under-
        never  alone,  we  just  haven’t        standing  your  identity  in  your
        mastered the emotion of loneli-         season     of    being    single        "Your life partner
        ness. Find something to occupy          (regardless  of  why  you  are).        compliments your
        your  mental  space  ensuring  all      Knowing  this  place  of  identity            purpose..."
        that  you  are  doing  glorifies        combats the mounts that loneli-
        God.  Affirm  yourself  daily  of       ness, fear, rejection, sexual im-
        the  value  of  how  beautifully        morality,  and  low  self-esteem
                                                can  bring  in  one’s  life.  When

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018  Volume 7 ~ Page 14
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