Page 17 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 17

T                                                            over me,...” Jesus was reassuring Peter that He still
                 here  are  two  systems  in  operation  and
                                                                    reigned with all power and authority.  In Luke 22:31
                 depending  on  which  system  is  followed
                 there  are  benefits  and  consequences
                                                                    we see also where Jesus is warning Peter (Simon) as
                 directly  linked  to  each  of  them.    One
       system  supersedes  the  imaginable  and  is  divine         well.  The KJV reads, “And the Lord said, Simon,
                                                                    Simon,  behold,  Satan  hath  desired  to  have  you,
       while  the  other  system  tends  to  control  and  pulls    that he may sift you as wheat…”  Verse 32 goes on
       you away from the other.                                     to comfort Peter by saying, “but I have prayed for
                                                                    these, that they faith fail not:…”
       The  collection  of  the  photos  to  the  left  is  a
       vision/revelation  God  shared  with  me.    He  was         That’s just like our God, the true and living God to
       explaining the World System and began to show me             being  us  waring,  comfort,  and  protection  during
       a collection of gears.  As we get entangled in these         trials, tribulations and attacks from the enemy.  God
       gears,  our  lives  are  shredded  and  sometimes            will  not  leave  us  blinded,  He illuminates  darkness
       destroyed.    This  process  represents  the  worldly        and opens our eyes to the ways of His system.  He
       ways.  If we don’t seek guidance from the Lord to            shows us through various examples of His Son, Je-
       rescue  us,  then  we  will  be  sifted  and  fall  into  the   sus how we are to operate in the Kingdom of God.
       pits of hell for eternity.                                   He  tells  us  to  love  in  1  Corinthians  13,    and
                                                                    expresses how we should carry out this love.  We
       The key is to seek the Lord and His guidance and             are instructed to keep His commandments, He tells
       direction, which is the only way you can escape the          us  in  Matthew  5:3,  that  “blessed  are  the  poor  in
       snares of this world.  When we escape and begin to           spirit,  for  theirs  is  the  kingdom  of  heaven.”  The
       learn God’s ways, we begin to learn the ways of His          ways of the world are  so contrary and opposite to
       Kingdom,  which  is  referred  to  as  the  Kingdom  of      the ways of God’s Kingdom.  If you allow the Lord
       Light.  It’s only after we move in His Kingdom that          to have rule and reign in your life, you don’t have to
       we  have  the  ability  to  change  the  address  to  our    be  sifted,  but  elevated.    Surrendering  to  the  Lord
       eternal  residence.    Grace  and  mercy  become  our        and dying to selfish and fleshly ways are the only
       protection.                                                  ways to get into heaven.

       We are all eternal beings and based on the decisions         In  closing,  let’s  look  at  Matthew  7:13-14  in  the
       we make here on earth will indicate where we spend           message  translations.    It  says,  “Don’t  look  for
       eternity.                                                    shortcuts  to  God.  The  market  is  flooded  with
                                                                    surefire,  easygoing  formulas  for  a  successful  life
       I  urge  to  go  read  2  Corinthians  4  read  in  the         that can be practiced in your spare time. Don’t fall
       Message  translation,  it’s  powerful  and  straight         for  that  stuff,  even  though  crowds  of  people  do.
       forward.  In the NIV verse 4 states that “the god of         The  way  to  life—to  God!—is  vigorous  and
       this age” and the word age is synonymous with the            requires total attention.” Don’t fall for trying to do
       word “world.”  This scripture is eluding that Satan          things the easy way, there is a way that has already
       is  the  god  of  this  world  and  has  rule  over  the
       unbelieving  people  by  blinding  their  minds  from        been  determined  by  the  Lord  and  that  is  the  only
       seeing the true light of the gospel.  It is insinuating      way He will accept.  If it seems too good to be true,
       that  he  has  a  major  influence  on  the  views,  goals,   it probably is.  Make sure to evaluate and seek the
       hopes, dreams, ideas of those who don’t know the             Lord before moving forward, this will help you to
       truly  and  living  God.    Satan  is  able  to  influence   keep  from  being  sifted  and  falling  into  diverse
       through  false  teachings,  by  tending  to  the  fleshly    tribulations that have eternal consequences of living
       needs  of  people,  and  by  painting  images  of            in  an  eternal  hell.    Put  in  the  work  and  remain
       greatness while deceiving what is actually available         strong and determined to follow the instructions and
       through  his  power  and  authority.    When  the  truth     warnings  of  the  Lord  and  you  will  reap  great
       about his tactics are revealed, it boils down to the         rewards and blessings while living a life of eternity
       fact that he is creating an illusion and operating in a      with the Father in Heaven.
       false  authority  that  is  keeping  people  distracted
       away from the truths.

       In John 14:30, Jesus warns Peter telling him, “...the
       prince  of  this  world  is  coming.    He  has  no  hold

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018  Volume 7 ~ Page 17
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