Page 22 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 22

It’s My Time to Start A Business:


        According to the British English Dictionary the word commitment has the following definitions:
        •  A promise or firm decision that is made by ONLY you.
        •  A willingness to give your time and energy to.
        •  It is something that you believe in. It is also the attitude of someone who works very hard to
            support something.”

                        “Without commitment you cannot have depth in anything, whether it’s a
                                             relationship, business or a hobby.”
                                            Neil Strass; Penetrating the Secret Society.

                     “Until one is truly committed, there is hesitancy and a chance to draw back.”
                                                   William Hutchison Murry

        Once a person decides to go into business for themselves, he or she must first commit. For an
        aspiring entrepreneur here are some very crucial part that if followed will lead to your success.

        •  Do not listen to the negative word around you. “You can’t do that, you don’t have enough
            money to start a business, if it was that easy everyone would be doing it and so on.”
        •  Speak only positive words about your business and have faith in your future.
        •  Keep a note pad and pen with you at all times and take notes as ideas come to you.
        •  Research and ask questions about anything pertaining to what you are looking to do.

                                   REMEMBER: Commitment is a CHOICE!!!!!!!

                                                             Anita Jefferson- Abney

                                                        Business Coach/ Author of Get Ready

                                                        Order Your Copy of Get Ready Today
                                                                           Only $10.00

                                                   Available for speaking and teaching engagements.

                                                             Assuring Successful Careers CEO

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018  Volume 7 ~ Page 22
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