Page 18 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 18

He led me to an area that had a group of stone bench-
      The mind is a valuable piece of real estate in the spiritual
                                                                   es. They were arranged like arena style seating: a set of
      world.  It  is  a  womb  that  can  be  full  of  God’s  creative
                                                                   concentric circles with a stone bench in its center. I saw
      power or the enemy’s destructive power. The kingdom of
      light  or  darkness  can  form  and  legislate  through  the   a vision where Jesus was in the center and there were
                                                                   scribes, Pharisees, and disciples listening to Him teach.
      mind. Our thoughts determine which authority owns the
      spiritual real estate.

                          In real estate, a property is ripe for
                          development.  Developers,  real  es-
                          tate  agents  and  home  owners  sur-
                          vey properties to assess the appreci-    The Pharisees brought  in  a  woman  and  placed her  in
                          ation or depreciation as a gauge for     the center. I realized this was the story of the woman
                          potential of value and growth. What      caught in adultery in John Chapter 8.
      a  property  can  become  depends  on  what  it  is  built  on
      and what is placed inside of it.                             As the story unfolded, the woman changed into me and
                                                                   what I had done was being judged by the law. Then it
      With the mind, there are different spiritual agents who      changed to a person who betrayed me the most, and I
      have their own motives. The enemy’s agents assess the        saw every experience that happened in the past several
      condition of our soul to see an entry point where they       years. I became the Pharisee condemning that person.
      can plant seeds of destruction. The Lord seeks to develop    With each of us, Jesus exercised grace and forgiveness
      the mind through His Word and Spirit to plant seeds of       and  called  for  repentance.  The  Holy  Spirit  convicted
      salvation. Both use a common tool for development: ex-       me.  I  had  allowed  hurt,  bitterness,  and  unforgiveness
      perience.                                                    to  seduce  me  into  not  following  God’s  word:  forgive
                                                                   others as I have forgiven you. Those spirits had set up
      Last March I attended a silent medi-
                                                                   residence and depreciated my mental real estate into
      tation  retreat  at  my  church.  We
      spend one night and two days in a                            one  that  turned  away  from  God.  The  Holy  Spirit  em-
                                                                   powered  me  to  call  grace  to  the  mountain  of  unfor-
      beautiful  place  called  Epworth  by
                                                                   giveness  as  it  says  in  Zechariah  4:7.  Now  my  mental
      the  Sea  in  St.  Simon’s  Island,  GA.
      The goal was to connect with the Holy Spirit, but there      and spiritual real estate are no longer covered in dark-
                                                                   ness  and  deception.  The  entrance  of  God’s  word
      was  one  rule:  you  could  not  talk  to  anyone  the  whole
                                                                   brought in light. Our mind is a battlefield that we be-
      time.  As  the  Holy  Spirit  and  I  walked  through  the
      grounds,  He  began  to  show  me  greater  revelations  of   lievers  must  guard  consistently  for  the  right  spiritual
      Him and His word through nature.                             development.

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018  Volume 7 ~ Page 18
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