Page 21 - Kingdom News Edition 7
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mask  to  be  removed  and  we  were  doing  all  we                                   said he couldn't use me
        could  to  make  a  happy  home,  but  something  just                                 in  the  shape  that  I  was
        wasn’t right. Little did I know, he would become                                       in. I began to read Ro-
        one that physically, mentally and sexually abused                                      mans 12, and it was the
        me. We were married for ten years, but during this                                     beginning  of  my  mis-
        ten years I endured so many levels of torment that                                     sion  for  God’s  king-
        included  being  beat  regularly,  sodomized,  having                                  dom.  As  I  began  to
        my  ribs  cracked,  extra  marital  affairs  and                                       study  the  Word,  fast,
        more.  He took the money for the house and blew it                                     pray, and seek His face;
        on women and partying. Did I mention he was also                                       everything  was  coming
        an alcoholic? Despite all the issues in my marriage,                                   into  place.  Due  to  the
        I stayed and this marriage produced two more chil-          manipulative ways of my husband making people
        dren.                                                       believed his lies, many people thought that I was a
                                                                    terrible  person.    However,  that  did  not  stop  me
        One night I had all                                         from moving out in what God had me to do.
        I  could  take  –  no
        heat,  no  food,  no                                        After 21 years of marriage, I filed for divorce from
        lights,  and  I  had                                        this man and am now living a new life.  Living a
        my  babies  bundled                                         life  where  I  have  freedom  to  worship  the  Lord
        up  together  to  stay                                      how He desires me to worship Him. In 1999, God
        warm.  I  went  into                                        gave  me  the  vision  for  Damaged  but  not  De-
        the other room and                                          stroyed. One of the foundational scripture for this
        just I broke down and asked God to help my chil-            ministry is 2 Corinthians 4:78-9, “We are troubled
        dren.  I didn't feel that I mattered, but I knew my         on  every  side,  yet  not  distressed;  we  are  per-
        children did not ask for this.  God  moved quickly          plexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not for-
        on  our  behalf.  In  less  than  three  days;  we  had  a   saken; cast down, but not destroyed…”
        new place in another town. God had all of us cov-           The  Lord  released  me  to  begin  telling  my  story,
        ered. I finally had a place to be safe, my kids were        giving a very detailed account of the things I had
        in a school, but I was still messed up internally and       been through. The purpose for the release was so
        really didn't understand what I needed to come out          that I could help others, both women and men to
        of this place of being damaged.  I knew I couldn’t          overcome  these  secret  scars  that  so  many  suffer
        do it on my own.
                                                                    from and keep hidden.  It’s time to deal with our
        Soon  after,  I  began  going  to  church  and  I  began    secret scars.
        seeking God. There was something missing in my                                      As  I  began  to  deal  with
        life and I felt empty, alone and lost. In 1991, I met                               my secret scars, it was re-
        another guy who had a son. We seem to hit it off                                    vealed to me that my hus-
        OK.    He  was  a  minister  and  I  was  learning  God                             band  had  sexually  abused
        and His Word. We married in 1992 and this truly                                     my daughter.  This affect-
        was  the  turning  point  of  my  life.  Everything                                 ed  me  in  a  way  that
        seemed  OK,  but  due  to  all  I  went  through  I  had                            seemed  worse  than  the
        gained a lot of weight.  But I continued to be the                                  things I endured because it
        best  mother,  wife  and  stepmom  I  could.  I  was                                was  my  daughter,  I  felt
        working through  my issues and then  my husband             that I failed to keep her safe.  Now I am not only
        began to publicly humiliate and embarrass me by             rebuilding my life but being a support system for
        putting me down around everybody in the church.             her as well. I vowed to help any person that has
        My self-esteem again was challenged and much of             gone through any type of abuse.  I want them to
        the  healing  that  had  taken  place,  surfaced  again,    know: there is life after abuse, the devil may have
        but this time was different and I had a better under-       tried to damage their lives, but their lives are not
        standing of who I truly was.
        I began to seek God and continually asked God to
        use me. I saw how other women were speaking and
        ministering to others. I wanted that so badly. I be-
        gan to pray and seek the face of God.   The Lord

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018  Volume 7 ~ Page 21
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