Page 19 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 19
By Prophetess Cleandrea Gatson-Mason
W to carry these things, but you picked it up be-
hat happened to your assignment?
What have you allowed to take the
cause of fear.
place or cover what you have been
called to do? Often, we hear the
bothered in what God is calling you to is when
preacher say words like shift or breakthrough. When you can walk unapologetically and un-
We're told that God is going to bless us with cer- you will find yourself in the definite will of God.
tain things such as; a house, a husband, a wife, In his will there's one thing that is required:
money and we take these things into our spirit obedience. Speak to your body, mind, and spirit
and forget that there are conditions to prophe- and declare that they line up and obey the voice
cy. We forget our assignment. We have been and will of God. Declare that you will walk in
called to a higher level in God, but we miss it your assignment. Begin to walk in your true
because we're stuck in a place that has become God given assignment and not what man is call-
comfortable. The desire to move and obey the ing you to do.
will of God diminishes because fear has given
us a refuge. As a prayer warrior and intercessor, I pray for
so many that have lost track and are pressing
It's impossible to see the will of God in your life after what man said. They are hurt because they
when you have forgotten your assignment or believed that if they obeyed man, that their
simply won't move toward it. Fear is keeping lives would change for the better, only to find
you hidden – it has your spirit, your body and out that their situation had gotten worse. I see
you become a prisoner to this fear. You begin to where so many search for the answers in peo-
think, if I move forward I will fail. You begin to ple, but the power of prayer is what holds the
compromise and give what you choose, say true answers. We fall for the gift of a leader
what you want and forget about the true assign- and because they have the attention of the peo-
ment. ple they speak out of their flesh.... causing the
true assignment to be traded in for the
Now you become open to the elements and be- applause of people.
gan to speak out of fear, hurt and the will of
God is no longer your assignment. The flesh is Know that gifts and callings come without re-
now in charge and we need to know that there is pentance.
no good thing in the flesh. When your flesh is
in charge, you are now in rebellion and rebellion Some with an assignment is waiting for some-
equals witchcraft. You have now opened your- one to say yes! I believe you! Go forth! Your
self up to familiar spirits and unlawful connec- God's chosen! If you have been called by God
tions. So, what happened to your assignment? don't wait till you’re acknowledged – God sees
This is what happened to your assignment! you, so go forth in your assignment, do the
work he's called you to do. Don’t focus on opin-
The consequences now are that you offered ions, numbers, or people, none of that matters,
yourself up to seducing spirits and are operat- obedience is all that matters. Your assignment
ing in a self-guided will. You were never meant is waiting! Go forth!