Page 13 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 13

By Chantelle Smith

        What  is  the  first  thing  you        through  some  things,  girl  we        days being single has its nega-
        begin to think about when peo-          understand. Maybe, you do the           tive  implications.  But  why?  I
        ple  ask  you  “are  you  single”?      double chest pump followed up           mean  as  a  believer  aren’t  we
        Maybe,  your  heart  begins  to         by a side peace sign as your lips       supposed to have life and have
        beat rapidly through your chest         candidly  form  a  smirk  because       it more abundantly according to
        as your palms begin to profuse-         you  think  marriage  is  “for  the     the  scripture  in  John  10:10?
        ly  sweat  while  your  eyes  dart      birds.” Bruh, you are right it is       Sometimes, it is hard to remem-
        back and forth. There’s this un-        your  choice.  We  can’t  knock         ber  that  the  MOST  IM-
        certain expression on your face                                                 PORTANT thing in life should
        because  at  the  age  of  38  even                                             not be in finding a mate but in
        you  don’t  know  why  you  are                                                 SERVING.  This  means,  when
        still  single—although  you  de-                                                you are in your season of being
        sire  marriage.  Don’t  sweat  it,                                              single,  seek  ways  to  better
        we understand you are waiting.                                                  serve  God.  Jesus  was  the  per-
                                                                                        fect example to employ acts of
                                                                                        servanthood.  Rising  early,  in-
                                                you  for  doing  your  own  thing       terceding in prayer on behalf of
                                                because  that’s  ok  too.  Maybe,       others, and being about His Fa-
                                                your  head  drops  in  sorrow  be-      ther’s business.  Marriage may
                                                cause you lost your spouse over         not be for everyone and that is
                                                three years ago and the wound
                                                it left in your soul is as magni-
                                                fied as the day you got the un-
                                                warranted  news.  The  months
                                                are followed  by  years  and  you
                                                wonder  will  the  grief  ever
        Waiting  is  good,  no  pressure.       leave. We can only imagine, it
        Maybe,  your neck does the in-          must  be  hard  being  a  widow.
        famous “neck roll” out of sheer         Regardless  as  to  why  you  are
        reflex  as  your  finger  snaps         single, we are all plagued with
        while  your  hand  gracefully           consequences  of  life’s  circum-       ok. Don’t let society make you
        finds  its  resting  place  on  the     stances  and  choices  when  it         feel  different  if  that  resonates
        side  of  your  hip.  Ok,  we  get      comes to relationships.                 with  you.    Apostle  Paul  in  1
        that you’ve been married before                                                 Corinthians  7:7-8  expressed  it
        and you just don’t have time to         Although  interesting,  it  is  no      as “…every man hath his prop-
        “waste”  again.  You  went              surprise  to  find  that  in  these     er  gift  of  God…”  and  the  two

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018  Volume 7 ~ Page 13
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