Page 11 - Kingdom News Edition 7
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whom there are no limitation. ter, the second chapter talks same methods prove effective in
You are restored to your first about false prophets that came the Garden of Eden the most
created state: the image of God, among the people of God, those ideal place to live in the history
made after His likeness and giv- false teachers who are implanted of the world. Eve was tricked
en authority to rule on this earth. in churches and families, neigh- and deceived by a talking snake.
borhoods; working behind the The Satan-agenda uses trusted
Satan, being a sore loser, will scenes speaking poison and sources or social causes to trap
fight to keep the human mind sowing lies catered to satisfy the people into slavery using those
enslaved. As a man thinks so is flesh. Their words are contrary same three methods.
he. He hatched a plan of his to Christ and cause many to
deny Him in their belief and In 2 Peter 1:17-19, the truth is
actions. To deny the very one we have a sure word of prophe-
who bought them out of slavery. cy that everything is hinged on.
By doing this, these false proph- We will do well to listen and
ets bring swift destruction to live by this one truth, as light
themselves; speaking evil of the that shines in a dark place. The
way of truth. Through covet- power and coming of Jesus
ousness, they use feigned words Christ and the testimony of Je-
to make merchandise of people. sus Christ from the mouth of
God: This is my beloved son...
MAKING MERCHANDISE When someone tries to sell you
something that is not based on
As believers, we are encouraged the Lord Jesus Christ, they use
to know Father God for our- Jesus Christ to get you to do
own. Those who have believed selves. Jesus Christ, the Word something you feel is wrong,
in Jesus Christ yet, will not be- of God, also said know the truth. they mix carnal and unnatural
lieve in Jesus Christ; he has con- That is what sets us free. In the love with God’s love; or they
trol over. His agents spot and absence of truth, mankind will threaten to alienate you in the
manipulate those who are unpro- fall for anything. God doesn’t name of the Lord if you do not
tected and unaware of his exist- want us ignorant and unin- comply with their wishes, then
ence let alone his tactics. He formed; aimlessly hoping for the you are at risk of enslavement.
has the same three methods best. As the various activist No prophecy of the scripture is
though there are multiple varia- groups warn people of the signs of private interpretation so
tions of them. He wages war on and traps of human trafficking in again, beware of unsubstantiated
those that are of the faith to ei- this physical world, we too prophecies making merchandise
ther cause them to “fall” as Ad- should be aware of it in the spir- of you.
am and Eve did, or to discredit itual world. We should know
the people of God. Remember Truth and recognize when it is SLAVE MENTALITY, NO
we are to be an image of God on absent in a situation or conversa- MORE
this earth, walking in and living tion.
out His Will on earth as it is in
Heaven. The second book of Pe- There is no relationship these
agents of Satan will not exploit
to advance their agenda: Parent -
Child, Siblings, Spouses, Girl-
friend-Boyfriend, Teacher- Stu-
dent, Mentor-Mentee, Boss-
Worker, and Minister- Parish-
ioner. They exploit trust and
love. They will try to convince
you of an untruth and point it Every one of us were born into
out at strategy points in your slavery of sin, subject to the
life. Being unstable in the truth, abuse of sickness, force to do
we will fall victim to the very many things under the threat of
death. That is the atmosphere of
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018 Volume 7 ~ Page 11