Page 6 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 6
By Erica McGraw
ave you unknowing- shift and now feel their life mat- it still has the same characteristics.
ly fallen into a trap of ters. Sounds perfectly good, right? As mentioned above, flattery is
Seducing Spirits? Be- used in extreme to puff people up
H you answer, read Well, let’s continue with the pro- to make them feel good, in hopes
this article. If I were asked this cess. See the seducer knows you they will feel gratitude and desire
question, I may have immediately need encouragement, so that’s to do special things for them.
said “no.” It wasn’t until my eyes what they do, they encourage Those doing the flattery will have
were opened that I realized how I you. Then what happens is you a charm and charisma within them,
fell subject to these seducing spir- begin to walk with a little confi- it may appear genuine and sincere-
its. It happened subtly and I was dence and power and now that you ly, but be careful. Those being
not truly aware of it until my eyes have come out of your shell, the flattered will feel compelled to
were opened. seducer will now give you a “title” help or feel they “owe” them
and uses flattery to give you a something because they feel they
I’m not speaking of being seduced false sense of security. These ti- are being helped. Their gratitude
sexually, even though, I’m sure tles act as a way of solidifying is actually them falling into the
that is occurring as well. The se- your importance to them because trap being set for them. They be-
ducing that I speak of is Spiritual now you have “purpose.” We are lieve they are being helpful, but in
Seduction. warned about these such things in reality, the seducer isn’t appreciat-
Romans 16:17-18 (NIV), where it ing them one bit, they are benefit-
Here’s how it works. A connec- says, “I urge you, brothers and ing from your gratitude and mock-
tion is made between two individu- sisters, to watch out for those who ing the works actually being done.
als. One person may be one that cause divisions and put obstacles
has endured a lot or hardship and in your way that are contrary to When one has self-esteem issues,
stumbling blocks in their lives, so the teaching you have they gravitate to those who make
they may have a low self-esteem learned. Keep away from them feel good and then they have
and seeking validation or approval them. For such people are not a desire to “pay back” that person
from others. This person is a per- serving our Lord
fect candidate for those who typi- Christ, but their own
cally operate under a seducing appetites. By smooth
spirit. The one seeking approval talk and flattery they
tends to be one that is caring and deceive the minds of
has a deep desire to help and be a naive people.”
part of something and the other
person realizes this by speaking This spirit can be in
into this person’s life. Some of the operation in various
tactics used are camouflaged by areas of our lives. It
making one feel they truly care can be the supervisor
about one’s well-being. They may on your job, in friend-
even see the gifts God has placed ships, or even in
within you and begin to pull on church with leaders.
them so you come out of your No matter where this
shell. As these gifts begin to be spirit is in operation,
pulled on, the individual begins to