Page 7 - Kingdom News Edition 7
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for  bringing  them  out  of  a  dark   in an undesirable way or this per-      of  how  I  have  seen  this  spirit  in
       place,  but  often  times  that  pay    son  will  share  information  with     operation.  We have to be mindful
       back is at a sacrifice.  The sacrifice   others  that  someone  had  confided   of who we are and know who the
       is the peace you feel you are oper-     in them with.  These things may be      Lord is within us.  We have to al-
       ating, but when things are revealed     personal things that were probably      low  the  Holy  Spirit  to  scan  all
       there  may  be  a  storm  raging,  but   hard  share  with  another  person,    things through His radar before we
       just  know,  God  is  in  control  and   but  then  this  person  is  making    move.  When we move too quick-
       will lead you.                          jokes  about  what  was  brought  to    ly, we can get stung; then we will
                                               them in confidence.                     have to go through a healing pro-
                                                                                       cess.    The  process  can  be  painful
                                               Those that possess the spirit of se-    depending  how  long  you  have
                                               duction  can  and  will  appear         been in it, but just know that with
                                               anointed.  They can preach a pow-       God, ALL things are possible and
                                               erful  word  and  obtain  revelations   you shall be healed.
                                               that  one  will  believe  is  God
                                               breathed.    They  know  how  to        Yet another characteristic of these
                                               rightly divide the word and deliver     seducing  spirits  is  that  they  will
                                               a  message,  they  will  even  boast    focus  on  your  weaknesses.    They
                                               about how powerful of a message         have learned where your weakness
                                               they  themselves  preached;  but        is  and then prey on them  to  keep
                                               there is still the presence of seduc-   you in a perpetual cycle.  You will
                                               tion  that  operates  within  that  per-  be blamed and challenged in your
                                               son.  We have to seek God for His       motives  and  your  ability  to  help.
                                               divine  discernment  because  His       Because  these  spirits  flatter,  they
                                               Word  shows  us  in  2  Corinthians     will  attempt  to  take  a  jab  at  you
                                               11:14, that, “…Satan himself mas-       one  second,  then  the  next  breath
                                               querades as an angel of light.”         they  are  encouraging  you.    Con-
                                                                                       fusing? Right!  We often see simi-
                                                                                       lar situations in domestic violence
                                                                                       cases,  where  the  abuser  may  hit
                                                                                       the one they are abusing and then
       Another  characteristic  is  one  who                                           the  next  sentence  they  are  apolo-
       sows  seeds  of  discord  and  then                                             gizing  profusely.    There  tends  to
       chooses  to  manipulate  situations                                             be a very  cunning tone  when this
       so  that  the  truth  is  not  revealed.                                        spirit is in operation.
       You can personally witness some-
       thing and they will twist it around                                             As  a  form  of  manipulation,  this
       so  that  you  feel  you  are  making                                           spirit will promise things  to indi-
       things  up,  making  them  look  bad                                            viduals and have no intent in com-
       or  even  making  you  seem  like  a    Recently,  I  was  speaking  with  an   ing  forth  with  it,  I  often  refer  to
       trouble maker.  We see in the story     individual who received a promo-        this  as  “false  promises.”      They
       of  Joseph  (Genesis  39)  where  he    tion within a group she participates    promise  gifts,  dinners,  lunches,
       did what was right, but still had to    in,  but  as  she  received  this
       go to prison because the truth was      “promotion”  she  also  recognized
       twisted.    Joseph  did  right  in  the   the  strings  that  were  attached.
       eyes of the Lord, but had to endure     This lady is a huge giver and loves
       time  in  prison  because  the  truth   to give and support, but what was
       was twisted and he appeared to be       revealed to  her was that with  this
       the  trouble  maker.    In  this  story,   promotion,  there  is  an  unspoken
       the wife had to outright lie to cov-    obligation  attached.    As  she  was
       er her actions and motives so they      sharing  how  the  Lord  revealed
       wouldn’t be brought to the light.       these unspoken attachments to her,
                                               I began to see that this same spirit
       Sometimes,  the  seducer  will  act     of seduction was in operation.
       nice  to  someone’s  face  and  mo-
       ments  later  talk  about  that  person   There are so many more examples

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018  Volume 7 ~ Page 7
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