Page 10 - Kingdom News Edition 7
P. 10
Good News again! Father God
Here are some published facts of from the knew what Satan was doing, and
Polaris Project: what man would do so He had a
rescue plan already made before
•The International Labour Organization estimates the world was founded. Before
that there are 20.9 million victims of human traf- “Let There Be” was uttered, Je-
ficking globally. sus Christ already was given as
a ransom for our freedom! What
•68% of them are trapped in forced labor. Love, what Passion. From the
•26% of them are children. time mankind was sold into
slavery; sin, sickness and death-
•55% are women and girls. controlled humanity’s thoughts
and actions through three simple
•The International Labor Organization estimates methods: lust of the eyes, lust of
that forced labor and human trafficking is a $150 the flesh and pride of life. Why
billion industry worldwide. is Satan the enemy of humanity?
•The U.S. Department of Labor has identified 139 goods from 75 But humanity was created in the
countries made by forced and child labor. image of God. This is one truth
that he wants to keep hidden. If
•In 2016, an estimated 1 out of 6 endangered runaways reported it is undiscovered, unknown to
to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children were you that you are created in the
likely child sex trafficking victims.
image of God, made after His
•Of those, 86% were in the care of social services or foster care likeness and given authority to
when they ran. rule on this earth; then the next
logically step is to forget you
•There is no official estimate of the total number of human traffick- have an enemy. Again, Satan’s
ing victims in the U.S. Polaris estimates that the total number of agenda is to enslave the image
victims nationally reaches into the hundreds of thousands when
estimates of both adults and minors and sex trafficking and labor of God, destroy anything resem-
trafficking are aggregated. bling God’s Kingdom and take
dominion over what is belongs
to God.
“Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil.”
– Edmund Burke
Humans are and have always
been the most sought-after com- And through covetousness shall
modity in history. Now, this they with feigned words make
statement can be followed up merchandise of you…
with more facts, testimonials,
and references of the movie, Let’s establish this one thing.
“Taken” to illustrate, report and There is a real enemy against
break down the history of the humanity. His name is Satan. He
human trade industry. But this exists and is the one who started Praise God, Jesus made an open
is Kingdom News Today; there- the enslaving of people. That’s show of Satan and his agents.
fore, our job is to expose the his agenda. There’s good news, They are defeated. Any and all
roots of human trafficking. By though! He is defeated by the who believe and confess that
using the Word of God, the aim real hero of humanity, Jesus Jesus took their sins on the
is to shine light on modern day Christ! He is the first true free- cross, died for them and rose
slavery and its far-reaching dom fighter and advocate! Slav- again to victory (Romans 10:9-
branches in all facets of every- ery started in Genesis, after man 10); is no longer a slave to Sa-
day life that affects all of us. fell from his position in God and tan, sin, sickness and death.
We will begin with the human sold himself into bondage. You are free to live in Christ, in
trafficking in the church.
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2018 Volume 7 ~ Page 10