Page 24 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 24
what is being said. It’s a jolly laugh that laughs Family is extremely important to Hasaan, he
when you can’t even blink without having some comes from a large family and has obtained great
pain, but it’s all in good spirit because he under- support from his parents throughout his career.
stands how the body works and that progress in He is the Godfather to eight energetic kids, four
one’s fitness journey is succeeding. His passion of which he has raised as his own since their
drives him to help others. birth. Two years ago he adopted his 15-year-old
cousin in order to give him a better opportunity
The second business created by Hasaan and in life. His boys along with family and friends
Morehouse brother, Andrew Cyrus, is an acro- are the driving force that motivates him to keep
batic dunk company called Dunk Doctors LLC. striving for the top.
Him and his team perform halftime acrobatic
trampoline slam dunk entertainment for the Hasaan is the founder of a nonprofit program
Memphis Grizzles as well as for other leagues called, All My God Children, Inc. The focus of
and community events. The team travels exten- this organization is to impact the youth grades K-
sively showing off their acrobatic moves and 12 in areas of after school fitness programs, as-
wows crowds of all ages. sisting kids who are continuing to college as well
as those who want to go
back to college completely.
Ultimately, the goal is keep
more youth off the streets,
fight obesity and to educa-
tion more of our future
In order to achieve these
goals, the staff of All My
God Sons, Inc. provides
partnerships with college
coaches, college adminis-
trators, investors, recruit-
ers, youth educators, men-
tors, interns, and more.
The vision is worked
through providing summer
fitness camps, by going to
public and charter schools,
and local community and
private colleges in the area.
Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017 Volume 3 ~ Page 24