Page 19 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 19

nothing to catch them during           mind that was the best thing         father  had  already  passed
        this fall and the couple ended         for her since he was the one         away, but his mother had got-
        up on the streets.                     responsible  for  killing  her       ten ill.   He had to take  time
                                               mother and brother.                  off work to care for her, but
        See this is one of those down                                               when it was time  for him to
        parts in one’s life.  This cou-                                             return  to  work,  his  job  was
        ple was forced to live on the                                               no longer available.  He was
        streets  because  they  did  not                                            not able to keep up with the
        have  enough  money  to  get                                                bills in his parents’ home and
        back home.  So now here is a                                                ended  up  losing  the  home
        place  where  they  may  ask,                                               and  forced  to  living  in  the
        “how did I get here?”  When                                                 streets.
        something  traumatic  hits  us
        in our lives, we begin to seek
        answers  to  the  thousands  of
        questions that may flood our

        Pastor Joe also shared a story         This  gentleman  was  dealing
        of  a  gentleman  who  he              with some psychological fac-
        worked with that was a presi-          tors  where  spirits  were  tag
        dent  of  a  bank  and  found          teaming and sticking together
        himself     living    on    the        to keep this man is a place of
        streets.    This  gentleman  had       guilt,  shame,  and  a  host  of     See,  we  never  know  where
        not only lost hope, but he had         other spirits.  In my book, the      our path is going to take us in
        lost much more and was at a            Christian  Journey,  there  is  a    this journey we call life.  We
        point  where  he  wanted  to           chapter  on  Cycles  and  it         should  be  respectful  of  one
        give up.  Let’s back up a little       speaks  about  how  these  hin-      another  because  we  never
        and share what traumatic sit-          dering  spirits  don’t  operate      know what others have dealt
        uation  affected  this  success-       alone,  but  they  team  up  and     with  in  their  lives  and  we
        ful  man that  made him want           help one another.  The vision        definitely  do  not  know  what
        to give up everything.                 God  showed  me  was  a  big         the  plan of  God is for one’s
                                               ball of sticky tape.  Once that      life.    We  should  remember
        One day, Mr. Bank President            tape  sticks,  it  is  difficult  to   their  current  situation  is  not
        and  his  family,  his  wife  and      separate them again, well that       their  final  destination.    So
        two children (son and daugh-           is  the  same  with  hindering       today,  I  challenge  and  en-
        ter) were out on a family out-         spirits and we must work to-         courage  you  to  share  hope
        ing  and  the  father  was  driv-      ward  the  process  of  just  re-    with those around you.  Some-
        ing.    The  family  got  into  a      leasing and tossing away eve-        times,  this  hope  can  be  a
        serious  car  accident  that           ry  spirit  that  hinders  so  that   small word of encouragement
        claimed  the  lives  of  his  be-      we can be free.                      or  as  simple  as  a  warm
        loved  wife  and  his  young                                                smile.    They  may  just  be  in
        son.  The spirit of guilt con-         In  addition  to  my  conversa-      the  tough  part  of  their  pro-
        sumed this man and life just           tions  with  Pastor  Joe,  I  also   cess on this journey, so help
        wasn’t the same for him.  His          was able to speak with an in-        to  pull  them  up  so  they  can
        daughter  survived,  but  be-          dividual who come to receive         become  successful  members
        cause  of  the  great  jolt  that      services    at    From      His      of  society  and  regain  any
        occurred in this man’s life, he        Throne.    This  gentleman           confidence  they  may  have
        became unable to take care of          shared with me that he was in        lost in the journey.  ■
        her  and  she  had  to  go  live       his  current  situation  because
        with  family;  in  her  father’s       he was an only child and his
                                                                                      It may be the HOPE someone needs!

                               Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017  Volume 3 ~ Page 19
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