Page 15 - Kingdom News Edition 3
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fight  deep  inside  of  me;  so,  I   Today  as  I  serve  Jesus  and      One  thing  I  know  for  sure  is
       chose to call the police and get      walk in the understanding that        that God gave me this testimo-
       a  restraining  order.    See  God    he died for me and that he pos-       ny and I’m not afraid to tell it.
       kept me.                              sesses  the  love  I  have  always    He  has  kept  me  this  far  and  I
                                             longed for, I still struggle with     have  been  at  my  all-time  low
       See  I  told  you…BUT  GOD!           questions such as; am I hetero-       and  I  never  want  to  return.
       You’d think with all this in my       sexual, am I bisexual, or am I        God  gives  me  motivational
       life it finally turned around for     outright  homosexual.    I  have      messages  to  share  with  those
       the  good;  well  not  just  yet.    I   consciously  forgiven  my  par-    around  me  and  I  am  thankful
       got  to  a  point  where  I  didn’t   ents, but there are  other areas      for his grace and mercy he has
       want to stay at home, so I ran        in  my  life  where  hurt,  anger,    given  to  me.    God  has  trans-
       away  and  was  homeless  for  a      sadness,  un-forgiveness  and         formed me and is continuing to
       period  of  time.    I  felt  like  an   bitter  comes  to  try  and  over-  transform me into what he de-
       outcast  both  at  home  and  in      take  me,  causing  me  to  back-     sires  me  to  be.    This  is  being
       general;  I  was  laughed  at  and    slide  into  what  I  know  is        done by my yielding to him and
       bullied,  harassed  and  judged       wrong, but yet so comfortable.        his will for my life.■
       for my mistakes.                      My faith in God is strong and
                                             even  when  I  have  moments
       I began to allow the life on the
       streets  mold  who  I  was.    I      where  I  backslide  and  know          Connect with Dexter
       would  smoke,  drink,  fornicate      that I allowed the Devil to take              on Facebook
       and also dress like I was part of     me  to  a  certain  place,  I  am
                                             filled  with  remorse  and  a
       the  streets.    I  wore  sagging
       clothes  and  just  was  roaming      strong  reverence  to  God.    I
       through  life  lost,  still  looking   know  that  right  now  I  am  in
                                             the process of being delivered
       for  love.    Finally,  at  age  22,
       salvation found me.  I was lost,      and  completely  healed  from
       hurt, broken and God said it’s        the things of my past.  I know          Dexter Living Testimony Green
                                             that I have the victory and that
       time  for  a  change  and  I  was
       ready for change.  My life be-        I am an overcomer.  I declare           He keeps it real only
       gan to turn around for the bet-       that  the  enemy  has  no  power          for the purpose of
       ter and I felt my existence had       or  authority  over  my  life.    I
                                             confess daily that I am a man
       a  purpose,  but  still  was  not                                                 helping those to
       clear.    I  had  to  do  away  with   of God and that I will stand on       overcome the wiles of
       these  things  that  haunted  me.     his word and that I am healed               the Devil and to
                                             from  confusion,  depression,
       Going into the new year after I
       got save, I now knew of God’s         anger,  sadness,  low  self-             bring healing to all
       love, but the seeds planted as a      esteem and any other tactic the             who wants to be
       five-year-old  are  now  deep         Devil  used  to  beat  me  down.                  healed.
                                             All  I  have  to  say  is  BUT

                               Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017  Volume 3 ~ Page 15
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