Page 12 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 12
G When someone doesn’t have family around, friends be-
od makes no mistakes. Man may think that a
situation they got themselves into was a mis-
come their family. My mother befriended this one fami-
take, but everything is calculated and or-
ly, but this family had so much dysfunction in it, that
dained by God. There are some that endure
my life. At age 3, the son of this family inappropriately
hardships in life, but those hardships are there to form us eventually the dysfunction caused a door to be opened in
into the people God wants us to be. God created us to touched me. To this day, I still do not fully remember
bring Him pleasure and to give Him Glory, so just the what actually took place in that old farm house, but I do
mere fact we were created tells us that we have a purpose know there is enough evidence that something did hap-
and destiny. pen. My mother protected me and I never saw men in
and out of our home, but as a young girl (as young as
The events that occur in our lives shapes who we are and seven years old) I was sneaking around with the little
who we become. I’d like to take this time to share a little boys in the neighborhood playing, which would some-
about me. It begins with a 23-year-old man named Jo- times lead to inappropriate touching and acts for children
seph, who came to the United States from Nigeria to pur- our age. There would also be times when I was the one
sue his education. He became involved in a relationship who initiated this inappropriate behavior.
and found out that he was going to be a father. Immedi-
ately, Joseph decided he made a mistake and had a plan As I reflect back my actions and behaviors were an indi-
to fix it on his own. Well, the mother did not feel the cation that a breach occurred and an unwelcome spirit
same way, so they decided to go their separate ways. had entered my life. I want to encourage you that just
because one can’t remember does not mean it didn’t
I was that life produced by Joseph’s mistake, but my life happen. Years after my
could not be stopped by the little bit of money he had experience with him, he
given to rectify the situation. Nope, destiny cannot be had gone to jail for charges
stopped. of being a predator and for
Shortly after my arrival, my mother took me to introduce raping other family mem-
me to my grandparents and great grandparents. I was bers, so I know that it was
not what they expected because I was not like them. his presence in my life that
They didn’t know how to deal with the fact I was a opened the door to these
mixed child. This is a lot of pressure for a baby. Even in behaviors. When he would
the unconscious mind of an infant, the spirit of rejection come around me as an
planted its seeds that patiently wait for their roots to be adult I would have this strange feeling and would dis-
established. tance myself from him. He passed away about 10 years
ago while in prison.
When I was 18 months old, my mom realized her sup-
port system in Arkansas was not where she needed it to In December 2012, I was invited to a church Christmas
be to raise a child, so she moved to Colorado to be close program with a co-worker. I went and enjoyed the ser-
to her mother. About six months after her arrival in Col- vice, it was the first time in my life that I truly felt the
orado, she found herself in a place with no support and presence of the Lord. After the program, I remember
more responsibility. Besides being a young mother of a crying all the way home because of the experience. We
toddler, she also became the legal guardian of her two started going to church when I was ten and stopped
teen age brothers. Their mother decided to leave never when I was eighteen, but I never liked it and never felt
to be heard from until 22 years later, but that is another the presence like I did that December night in 2012. I
story for another time.