Page 13 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 13

began  attending  church  regularly,  but  I  found  myself   if I’m doing this and I’m doing that, they got to love me.
         sneaking to church.  I really didn’t want my mom to     After all, they love God like I do, so they can’t reject me
         know I was going to church and liked it because of all   because  of  what  I’m  doing  for  them,  after  all  it  is  the
         the  time  as  a  kid  I                                                            church.
         fought her about going.
         I would go to the 8 am                                                              This is just a short version
         service  and  was  back                                                             of  many  things  that  hap-
         home  relaxing  by  the                                                             pened, but I believe it is the
         time  my  mom  would                                                                root to where my internal
         call and check on me.                                                               though  processes  come
                                                                                             from.  Yes, this is my story.
         The word I was receiv-                                                              These  spirits  of  rejection
         ing was convicting me                                                               and  abandonment  had  in-
         and  changing.    Grow-                                                             tertwined  themselves  into
         ing  up  and  into  my                                                              all  aspect  of  my  life  we
         younger  adulthood  I                                                               well as other attaching spir-
         became  promiscuous                                                                 its.
         and  was  searching  for
         love,  I  would  give  of                                                           As described it started be-
         myself and end up hurt.                                                             fore my birth, but also dur-
         It almost felt like I was living a double life because no   ing my developmental years by being the old “black” per-
         one knew of the things I was opening myself up to, but   son in a small town in North Dakota that I grew up in
         my main desire was to find love.                        which strengthened those roots established by my grand-
                                                                 parents.  I didn’t have my first interaction with black peo-
         It wasn’t until June 2013, at age 27, where I officially   ple until I was a student at the University of North Dakota.
         accepted Christ and began to live my life for Him.  In my
         love for Him, I made myself available to the church to   I’m still in the process of breaking free from these things
         serve in any capacity so I could just be a help to others.  I   that hinder me.  They are deep, but I know that I am deter-
         learned that Christianity was a lifestyle and I began mak-  mined.  I now realize that when you truly find Jesus, that
         ing changes in my life.  It was through the conviction of   you don’t have to “do” in order to obtain the love; His love
         the Word that God delivered me from the acts of fornica-  is always available.  Now the best way to look for love is to
         tion and the bad choices being made in my “secret life”.    open the Bible and read of the promises He has given to us
         There was a strong desire within me where I didn’t want   and learn just how great His love is for each of us.
         to disappoint God.                                        God said, “Release it and let it go! Stop carrying so much, I

         Do you see what just happened?  Let’s go back and re-   have not designed you to carry the load you carry on a dai-
         view.    Rejection  and abandonment bombarded me  at    ly basis.  You need to release some things and it is through
                              infancy.  Molestation  violated    this release that I will set you free.”  We can be independ-
                              my youth. I gave myself to men     ent and strong, but not to the place where you can’t be vul-
                              in  search  of  love.  I  accepted   nerable before the Master who created us.  Don’t let your
                              Christ  and  gave  myself  com-    independence keep God from moving in your life in the
                              pletely. But now, instead of men   way He desires to move.  Give Him your time, it will never
                              being my focus to find love, I     be wasted.  Do away with the distractions that keep you
                              turned to man which I mistaken-    from getting to Him.  He said, I can see you reaching for
                              ly called the church.              me, but you’re carrying too much and you can’t reach me
                                                                 and I can’t move until you let go.  Release it today to get to
         Being thankful to God’s greatness, I began to throw my-  the God who created you. He’s here for you, but what are
         self into work within in the “church”, but was it just an-  you carrying to keep you from Him?
         other dysfunctional way of searching for the love I de-
         sired to have in my life?  I truly love the Lord and am   It doesn’t matter that Joseph thought he made a mistake or
         thankful that Jesus died on the cross with me on His    the grandparents didn’t approve, my life was ordained by
         mind, but often times I believe I have a fear that I am   God, so for God I live.  I thank Him for giving me life and
         going to disappoint God.  This is why I tend to hold on to   in return I want my life to glorify Him. ■
         things and not give up when I knew it’s time to give up.
         Deep in the subconscious of my mind I think things like,

                               Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017  Volume 3 ~ Page 13
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