Page 8 - Kingdom News Edition 3
P. 8
The Power of Prayer & Fasting
y name is Martrae Delay and I am Now as I reflect back, I was a young man that
a Mime Dancer that is known by wanted love and was looking in all the wrong
Anointed Vessel. Born and raised places and never found it in the group of people
M Sumter, South Carolina, I have I surrounded myself with. The road wasn't easy.
been ministering through dance since I was 14 Deep inside of me I had a dream and even
years old after moving to Charlotte, North Caro- though I was around several that weren’t inter-
lina. My time in North Carolina has been a time ested in what I was interested in, I never gave up
where there have been major changes in my life. on my dream. I finally realized that I had to
I was once a little make a decision which
boy that tried to fit was to continue in
in with the wrong the path I was head-
crowd, I wore bag- ing or have my steps
gy clothes found redirected. I knew
myself cursing, and that if I stayed in my
so much more to be current place, I would
part of the in crowd. not be able to fulfil
People were always my dream of minis-
able to get me to do tering in dance across
things I wasn't sup- the world. I had to
posed to and the walk in a path of hu-
bad thing about it is mility and surrender
that I let them. I my will to God. God
wasn't the fighting saved me and my life
type, but I was al- has been so good. I
ways quiet and got had to be steadfast
picked on a lot. Me and know that I could
and a few guys never give up on pur-
would always steal suing my dream. See
bikes or candy from I already knew I had
a store. a gift to dance, I had