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could tell her what to do.  She ran away from home and    Death Cometh, But God…
       got a fake ID at 14 years old.
                                                                 Given her profession, she would get invited from different
       Introduction  to  Stripping  and  the                     men in other states and she would go.  One day, a man
       “Grown Up” World                                          called  and  asked  her  to  come  to  New  York  City.    He
                                                                 “wined and dined” her for a few of days and then all went
       She moved in with an older man that was a cocaine addict-  horribly wrong.  He took her to an abandoned house where
       ed pimp and drug dealer.  When he got high, he would      he raped her, beat her, incited voodoo incantations over her,
       beat her.  One of his customer saw that the abuse Danielle   and threatened  to  kill her.  Though she had  experienced
       endured and told her that she can get a job stripping at the   rape and abuse before; this time it was different, Death was
       club I work for, get enough money and move out.  Dan-     coming for her and she believed she was going to die.
       ielle took her offer and got a job there.  Working at various
       clubs for almost a year; she would see wild things after
       hours.  Things a child should never see.                         “I would always say that I was hypo-
                                                                      Christian. A hypo-Christian is someone
                                                                       that still goes to church but lives totally

             “Though I was acting grown, I was still                   outside the biblical life and values and
               just a kid.  And the things that were                      what God has created us to be.”

                happening was too much for me”
                                                                 At 19 years old, alone and held hostage by this deranged
       At the age of 15, she returned to family.  Moving back in
       with her grandparents in California; she returned to school   agent  of  Satan  who  repeatedly  raped  and  tortured  her;
                                                                 something in Danielle prompted her to pray.  Those bibli-
       and got a summer job.  As strict bible believers, her grand-  cal seeds that were planted in her, though she was a hypo-
       parents had Danielle in church every time the doors were   Christian; began to grow.  She began to pray as never be-
       opened. Loving to sing, Danielle joined the youth choir,
       where she was introduced to prostitution by another choir   fore. She even bargained with God.
       member. After singing songs about Jesus, a 15 year old
       Danielle and her 18 year “mentor” left the church and en-   “Lord, if you get me out of this, I will change

       tered the world of prostitution. During this time, she got      my life for you. Just don’t let me die.”
       addicted to ecstasy and cocaine, which went on up to age 17.
                                                                 Holding on to that prayer, few days later someone came by
       Rising Porn Star
                                                                 that house looking for that man and found Danielle.  She
       One night while working at the club, some porn stars came   was set free and she made contact with a friend in New
       in. After having a conversation with one of the stars re-  Jersey and got a one way ticket back to LA. She kept her
       garding the amount of money earned on these films; Dan-   vow to God and she never looked back. She was free in-
       ielle entered the world of pornography at 18 years old.  As   deed by the power of God!
       her earnings increase, her morale, both spiritual and mental     By her testimony, Danielle has prayed this kind of prayer
       integrity  decreased.  Drug use increased;  she  even  over-
       dosed and became suicidal.                                before, but this time she meant every word of her vow.
                                                                 This time, she knew that if she went back to the old life-
                                                                 style, there was no coming back from it. She never planned
              “ I am reminded of the scripture: For              to start a ministry.  She never planned on writing a book.
            what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain         She just wanted to live for God as that was her promise to

                the whole world, and lose his own                Him if He delivered.  He did, so she did. However, this was
                       soul?” [Mark 8:36]                        just the beginning for her.

       She had money. She had drugs. She had celebrity clients.   New Life, A New You
       Yet she was dying on the inside.  She didn’t want to leave
       her lifestyle, but she wanted out.  Danielle, at times, prayed   After leaving an existence destined for Death’s door, Dan-
       that God would kill her.                                  ielle’s new life in God was not commended with an ova-
                                                                 tion as she received from Heaven.  It is funny how church
                                                                 folk preached forgiveness, new life and acceptance; but are
                                                                 first to press the skepticism button when a new convert
                                                                 comes in the door. Especially if they didn’t witness the
                          for the Sake of Christ                 conversion.

                                Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017  Volume 3 ~ Page 5
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