Page 10 - Kingdom News Edition 3
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othing  is  more  pow-      this  time  my  fiancé  was  fac-     is  on  Lock:  A  young  woman's
                 erful  than  the  Holy      ing  prison  time  and  I  could      spiritual guide to honoring God
                 Spirit  developing  Faith   just  see  my  life  coming  to  a    through celibacy” in the Spring
      N  A New creature in                   screeching  halt.  I  didn't  un-     of 2017.  Also, I am a college
                 Christ.    As  a  young     derstand why God was allow-           student  currently  pursuing  a
      girl  at  the  age  of  16,  I  always   ing  me  to  experience  all  of    Bachelor’s  degree  in  nursing
      felt  different  from  the  other      these  things  at  just  a  tender    all while being a mother to my
      young  women  around  me.  I           age. I remember being in my           beautiful  daughter  Kynleigh
      knew I was set apart, but I did-       room  on  my  knees  crying           Simone’. How did I get here? I
      n't know that it was a mark of         questioning  God  on  why  my         can  attest  to  you  that  it  was
      God  that  separated  me  from         life  had taken  such a drastic       nothing but the Faith and Trust
      others.  As  a  teenager,  you         turn  for  the  worse?  I  didn't     I  developed,  in  the  Lord.  God
      never want to feel as if you are       even know how to pray at the          showed  me  that  storms  aren't
      strange,  or  an  outsider.  You       time, but I was on my knees           meant to be a breeze, but they
      want to be well-liked, and first       pouring  my  all
      runner  up  in  the  popularity        out to God, ask-
      contest. My Desire to fit in did-      ing him to make
      n't  start  to  run  rapid  until  the   me  over  and
      age  of  18.  By  the  time  I         how I was done
      reached  my  freshman  year  of        living  a  chaotic
      college  I  had  made  the  deci-      life  without  him
      sion to live life on the edge, as      in  it. I  vowed to
      if I didn't know who God was. I        be  celibate  and
      took advantage of all the free-        to  live  my  life
      dom  I  was  receiving  and  pro-      according  to  his
      ceeded  to  live  my  life  how  I     will. It was in that
      saw  everyone  else  living            moment  that  I
      theirs;  stealing,  drinking,  smok-   heard God’s voice
      ing,  and  engaging  in  unpro-        for the first  time,                       Books Available Now
      tected sex. By the age of 19, I        and  he  had  re-
      had  faced  so  much  adversity,       vealed  to  me
      from  getting  pregnant,  to  hav-     that I had a call
      ing  an  abortion,  to  being  sent    on  my  life.  God
      home  with  a  lost  scholarship,      Revealed  he  was  going  to          definitely  aren't  meant  to  last.
      all  to  find  myself  pregnant        bring  me  out  of  my  situation     You  will  always  come  out
      once again! Before I knew  it I        and then use me as a vessel,          stronger  then  the  way  you
      found  myself  at  a  local  com-      to testify to other young wom-        went in. As long as we believe,
      munity  college,  living  with  my     en  my  age  through  my  celi-       trust,  and  praise  him  through
      (now)  Fiancé  and  his  mother,       bacy covenant.  December 28th         any and every situation, he will
      wondering  how  in  the  world  I      marks  the  day  that  I  have        prove  himself  mighty  in  our
      was going to be able to afford         been celibate now, 4 years. I         lives. No matter where you are
      to  raise  a  child  on  my  own       am  now  a  young  entrepre-          in life right now, it is not an in-
      making  $7.00  an  hour  at            neur  anticipating  the  release      dication  that  you  will  always
      Lowes Home Improvement! By             of  my  first  book  “My  Temple      remain there. ■

                               Kingdom News Magazine—March 2017  Volume 3 ~ Page 10
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